Surah Fussilat Ayat 11 in Urdu - سورہ فصلت کی آیت نمبر 11

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Quran online with urdu Quran-e-Kareem With Urdu Translation القرآن الكريم اردو ترجمہ کے ساتھ Fateh Muhammad Jalandhari (فتح محمد جالندھری), Tarjuma Quran Majeed by Molana Maududi - Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International: surah Fussilat ayat 11 in arabic text.

﴿ثُمَّ اسْتَوَىٰ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ وَهِيَ دُخَانٌ فَقَالَ لَهَا وَلِلْأَرْضِ ائْتِيَا طَوْعًا أَوْ كَرْهًا قَالَتَا أَتَيْنَا طَائِعِينَ﴾
[ فصلت: 11]

Ayat With Urdu Translation

پھر آسمان کی طرف متوجہ ہوا اور وہ دھواں تھا تو اس نے اس سے اور زمین سے فرمایا کہ دونوں آؤ (خواہ) خوشی سے خواہ ناخوشی سے۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ ہم خوشی سے آتے ہیں

Surah Fussilat Full Urdu

(1) یہ آنا کس طرح تھا؟ اس کی کیفیت نہیں بیان کی جاسکتی۔ یہ دونوں اللہ کےپاس آئے جس طرح اس نےچاہا۔ بعض نے اس کا مفہوم لیا ہے کہ میرے حکم کا اطاعت کرو، انہوں نے کہا ٹھیک ہے ہم حاضرہیں۔ چنانچہ اللہ نے آسمان کو حکم دیا، سورج، چاند اور ستارے نکال اور زمین کو کہا، نہریں جاری کردے اور پھل نکال دے (ابن کثیر) یا مفہوم ہے کہ تم دونوں وجود میں آجاؤ۔

listen to Verse 11 from Fussilat

Surah Fussilat Verse 11 translate in arabic

» tafsir Tafheem-ul-Quran ,Maududi

ثم استوى إلى السماء وهي دخان فقال لها وللأرض ائتيا طوعا أو كرها قالتا أتينا طائعين

سورة: فصلت - آية: ( 11 )  - جزء: ( 24 )  -  صفحة: ( 477 )

Surah Fussilat Ayat 11 meaning in urdu

پھر وہ آسمان کی طرف متوجہ ہوا جو اُس وقت محض دھواں تھا اُس نے آسمان اور زمین سے کہا "وجود میں آ جاؤ، خواہ تم چاہو یا نہ چاہو" دونوں نے کہا "ہم آ گئے فرمانبرداروں کی طرح"

Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(41:11) Then He turned to the heaven while it was all smoke. *14 He said to the heaven and the earth: 'Come (into being), willingly or unwillingly.' They said: 'Here we come (into being) in willing obeisance.' *15

Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and meaning

*14) Three things need to be explained here: First, by "heaven" is meant the whole universe, as becomes obvious from the following sentences. In other words, "turning to the heaven" means that Allah turned to the creation of the universe. Second, by "smoke" is implied the initial and primary stage of matter, in which it lay diffused in space in a shapeless, dust like condition before the formation of the universe. Scientists of the modern age describe the same thing as nebulae, and the same also is their view about the beginning of the universe: that is, before creation the matter of which the universe was built lay diffused in smoke-like nebulous form. Third, it would be wrong to interpret "then He turned to the heaven" to mean that first He created the earth, then set mountains in it, then arranged blessings and provisions of food in it, and then, at the end, He turned towards the crcation of the universe. This misunderstanding is removed by the following sentence: "He said to the heavens and the earth: Come into being; and they said: we come in submission. " This makes it clear that in this verse and in the following verses, mention is being made of the time when there was neither the earth nor the heaven, but the creation of the universe was being started. Only the word thumma (then) cannot be made the argument to say that the earth had been created before the heavens. There are several instances of this in the Qur'an that the word thumma is not necessarily used w show the chronological order but it is also used for the order of Presentation. (Please see E.N. 12 of Surah Az-Zumar). Among the earliest commentators the dispute has been going on for ages as to what was created first according to the Qur'an, the earth or the heavens. One group of them argues on the basis of this verse and verse 29 of AI-Baqarah that the earth was created first. The other group argues from verses 27-33 of AnNazi'at that the heavens were created first, because there it has been clearly stated that the earth was created after the heavens. But the fact is that nowhere in the Qur'an has the mention of the creation of the universe been made to teach Physics or Astronomy, but while inviting towards belief in the doctrines to Tauhid and the Hereafter, like countless other Signs, the creation of the heavens and the earth also has been presented as food for thought. For this purpose it was not at All necessary that the chronological order of the creation of the heavens and the earth should have been presented, and it should have been told whether the heavens were created first or the earth. No matter whether this was created first or that, in any case both are an evidence of Allah Almighty's being the One and only Deity, and are a testimony that their Creator has not created this whole universe as a plaything for a care-fret person. That is why the Qur'an sometimes mentions the creation of the earth first and sometimes the creation of the heavens first. Where the object is to make man realize the blessings of God, there generally it has mentioned the earth first, for it is closer to man; and where the object is to give man the concept of God's greatness and His omnipotence there it has generally mentioned the heavens first, for the scene of the revolving heavens has always been awe-inspiring for man.
*15) In these words Allah has described the nature of His method of creation in a manner as to differentiate between Divine creation and human workmanship. When man wants to make something, he prepares a plan for it in his mind: then gathers together the necessary material; then works persistently hard to mould the material according to his plan, and in the process of his effort the material which he wants to mould according to his mental plan constantly resists lute; so much so that sometimes the resistance of the material succeeds and the thing is not made precisely according to the desired plan, and sometimes man's effort overcomes the resistance and he succeeds in giving it the desired form and shape. For example, when a tailor wants to make a shirt, he first conceives in his mind the shape of the shirt, then arranging the cloth he tries to cut and sew it according to his concept of the shirt, and during this effort, he has constantly to face the resistance of the cloth, for it does not easily yield to be moulded according to the tailor's concept; so much so that sometimes the resistance of the cloth dominates and the shirt doesn't take the desired shape, and sometimes the tailor's effort dominates and he is able to shape it precisely according to his concept. Now, consider Allah's mode of creation. The matter of the universe lay scattered and diffused in the form of smoke. Allah willed to give it the shape of the universe as it is now. For this purpose, He did not have to sit down, like a human artisan, and chisel and mould the earth and the moon and the sun and the other stars and planets, but He only commanded the scheme of the universe that was in His Mind to cane into being, i.e. the smoke like diffused matter to take the shape of the galaxies and stars and planets, which He wanted to create. This . matter did not have the power to resist the Command of Allah. Allah did not have to make any effort to give it the shape of the universe.No sooner was the Command given than the matter started contracting and condensing and taking shape obediently according to the scheme of its Master, so that the whole universe including the earth became ready in 48 hours. This same scheme of Allah's method of creation has been described at several other places in the Qur'an like this: When Allah decides to do something He only commands it to be and it is done. (See AI-Baqarah: 117, AI-'Imran: 47, 59: An-Nahl: 40. Maryam: 35, Ya Sin: 82, Al-Mu'min: 68).

phonetic Transliteration

Thumma istawa ila alssamai wahiya dukhanun faqala laha walilardi itiya tawAAan aw karhan qalata atayna taiAAeena

English - Sahih International

Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."

Quran Hindi translation

फिर आसमान की तरफ मुतावज्जे हुआ और (उस वक्त) धुएँ (का सा) था उसने उससे और ज़मीन से फरमाया कि तुम दोनों आओ ख़़ुशी से ख्वाह कराहत से, दोनों ने अर्ज़ की हम ख़़ुशी ख़़ुशी हाज़िर हैं

Quran Bangla tarjuma

অতঃপর তিনি আকাশের দিকে মনোযোগ দিলেন যা ছিল ধুম্রকুঞ্জ, অতঃপর তিনি তাকে ও পৃথিবীকে বললেন, তোমরা উভয়ে আস ইচ্ছায় অথবা অনিচ্ছায়। তারা বলল, আমরা স্বেচ্ছায় আসলাম।

Page 477 English transliteration

English Türkçe Indonesia
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تفسير Bengali اعراب

Ayats from Quran in Urdu

  1. تاکہ خدا ان کو ان کے عملوں کا بہت اچھا بدلہ دے اور اپنے فضل
  2. اور جو مومن تمہارے پیرو ہوگئے ہیں ان سے متواضع پیش آؤ
  3. اور جب موسیٰ نے اپنی قوم کے لیے (خدا سے) پانی مانگا تو ہم نے
  4. یہ قرآن لوگوں کے لئے دانائی کی باتیں ہیں اور جو یقین رکھتے ہیں ان
  5. اور جو لوگ ایمان لائے اور نیک عمل کرتے رہے ان کو ہم نیک لوگوں
  6. دیکھو جب جان گلے تک پہنچ جائے
  7. سن رکھو کہ جو مخلوق آسمانوں میں ہے اور جو زمین میں ہے سب خدا
  8. تو خدا سے ڈرو اور میرا کہا مانو
  9. جب ابراہیم سے خوف جاتا رہا اور ان کو خوشخبری بھی مل گئی تو قوم
  10. اور ناپاک بات کی مثال ناپاک درخت کی سی ہے (نہ جڑ مستحکم نہ شاخیں

Quran surahs in English :

Al-Baqarah Al-'Imran An-Nisa'
Al-Ma'idah Yusuf Ibrahim
Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
Al-Hajj Al-Qasas Al-'Ankabut
As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

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