Surah Al-Maidah | from the moshaf in arabic uthmani
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English translation of the meaning Page No 110
Sura Al-Ma'idah from 14 to 17
14. And from those who call themselves Christians, We took their covenant, but they have abandoned a good part of the Message that was sent to them. [ 1 ] So We planted amongst them enmity and hatred till the Day of Resurrection ( when they discarded Allâh’s Book, disobeyed Allâh’s Messengers and His Orders and transgressed beyond bounds in Allâh’s disobedience ) ; and Allâh will inform them of what they used to do.
15. O people of the Scripture ( Jews and Christians ) ! Now has come to you Our Messenger ( Muhammad ( saas ) ) explaining to you much of that which you used to hide from the Scripture and pass over ( i.e. leaving out without explaining ) much. Indeed, there has come to you from Allâh a light ( Prophet Muhammad ( saas ) ) and a plain Book ( this Qur’ân ) .
16. Wherewith Allâh guides all those who seek His Good Pleasure to ways of peace, and He brings them out of darkness by His Will unto light and guides them to the Straight Way ( Islâmic Monotheism ) .
17. Surely, in disbelief are they who say that Allâh is the Messiah, son of Maryam ( Mary ) [ 2 ] . Say ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) : « Who then has the least power against Allâh, if He were to destroy the Messiah, son of Maryam ( Mary ) , his mother, and all those who are on the earth together? » And to Allâh belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between them. He creates what He wills. And Allâh is Able to do all things.
[1](V.5:14) a) The Christians were ordered in the Injeel (Gospel) to follow Prophet Muhammad (saas) when he would come as a Messenger of Allâh to all mankind.
[See (V.7:157) and its footnote].
b ) See the footnote of ( V.41:46 )
[2] (V.5:17) See the footnotes of (V.4:171).
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