Surah TaHa | from the moshaf in arabic uthmani
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English translation of the meaning Page No 314
Sura Ta-Ha from 38 to 51
38. « When We inspired your mother with that which We inspired.»
39. « Saying: ‘Put him ( the child ) into the Tabût ( a box or a case or a chest ) and put it into the river ( Nile ) ; then the river shall cast it up on the bank, and there, an enemy of Mine and an enemy of his shall take him.’ And I endued you with love from Me, in order that you may be brought up under My Eye.»
40. « When your sister went and said: ‘Shall I show you one who will nurse him?’ So We restored you to your mother, that she might cool her eyes and she should not grieve. Then you did kill a man, but We saved you from great distress and tried you with a heavy trial. Then you stayed a number of years with the people of Madyan ( Midian ) . Then you came here according to the fixed term which I ordained ( for you ) , O Mûsâ ( Moses ) !»
41. « And I have chosen you, [ 1 ] for Myself.»
42. « Go you and your brother with My Ayât ( proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc. ) , and do not, you both, slacken and become weak in My Remembrance.»
43. « Go, both of you, to Fir‘aun ( Pharaoh ) , verily, he has transgressed ( all bounds in disbelief and disobedience and behaved as an arrogant and as a tyrant ) .»
44. « And speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear ( Allâh ) . »
45. They said: « Our Lord! Verily we fear lest he should hasten to punish us or lest he should transgress ( all bounds against us ) . »
46. He ( Allâh ) said: « Fear not, verily I am with you both, hearing and seeing.»
47. « So go you both to him, and say: ‘Verily, we are Messengers of your Lord, so let the Children of Israel go with us, and torment them not; indeed, we have come with a sign from your Lord! And peace will be upon him who follows the guidance!»
48. « Truly, it has been revealed to us that the torment will be for him who denies [ believes not in the Oneness of Allâh, and in His Messengers. ] , and turns away ( from the truth and obedience of Allâh ) . »
49. Fir‘aun ( Pharaoh ) said: « Who then, O Mûsâ ( Moses ) , is the Lord of you two? »
50. [ Mûsâ ( Moses ) ] said: « Our Lord is He Who gave to each thing its form and nature, then guided it aright. »
51. [ Fir‘aun ( Pharaoh ) ] said: « What about the generations of old? »
[1] (V.20:41) i.e. chosen you for My Revelation and My Message or created you for Myself or strengthened and taught you as to how to preach My Message to My worshippers. (Tafsîr Al-Qurtubî)
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