Surah Anfal Ayat 1 in Urdu - سورہ انفال کی آیت نمبر 1

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Quran online with urdu Quran-e-Kareem With Urdu Translation القرآن الكريم اردو ترجمہ کے ساتھ Fateh Muhammad Jalandhari (فتح محمد جالندھری), Tarjuma Quran Majeed by Molana Maududi - Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International: surah Anfal ayat 1 in arabic text.

﴿يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الْأَنفَالِ ۖ قُلِ الْأَنفَالُ لِلَّهِ وَالرَّسُولِ ۖ فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَأَصْلِحُوا ذَاتَ بَيْنِكُمْ ۖ وَأَطِيعُوا اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ﴾
[ الأنفال: 1]

Ayat With Urdu Translation

(اے محمد! مجاہد لوگ) تم سے غنیمت کے مال کے بارے میں دریافت کرتے ہیں کہ (کیا حکم ہے) کہہ دو کہ غنیمت خدا اور اس کے رسول کا مال ہے۔ تو خدا سے ڈرو اور آپس میں صلح رکھو اور اگر ایمان رکھتے ہو تو خدا اور اس کے رسول کے حکم پر چلو

Surah Al-Anfal Full Urdu

(1) ”أَنْفَالٌ“ نَفَلٌ کی جمع ہے جس کے معنی زیادہ کے ہیں، یہ اس مال واسباب کو کہا جاتا ہے، جو کافروں کے ساتھ جنگ میں ہاتھ لگے، جسے غنیمت بھی کہا جاتا ہے اسے نفل (زیادہ) اس لیے کہا جاتا ہے کہ یہ ان چیزوں میں سے ایک ہے جو پچھلی امتوں پر حرام تھیں۔ یہ گویا امت محمدیہ پر ایک زائد چیز حلال کی گئی ہے یا اس لیے کہ یہ جہاد کے اجر سے (جو آخرت میں ملے گا) ایک زائد چیز ہے جو بعض دفعہ دنیا میں ہی مل جاتی ہے۔
(2) یعنی اس کا فیصلہ کرنے کے مجاز ہیں۔ اللہ کا رسول، اللہ کے حکم سے اسے تقسیم فرمائے گا۔ نہ کہ تم آپس میں جس طرح چاہو اسے تقسیم کرلو۔
(3) اس کا مطلب یہ ہوا کہ مذکورہ تینوں باتوں پر عمل کے بغیر ایمان مکمل نہیں۔ اس سے تقویٰ، اصلاح ذات البین اور اللہ اور رسول کی اطاعت کی اہمیت واضح ہے۔ خاص طور پر مال غنیمت کی تقسیم میں ان تینوں امور پر عمل نہایت ضروری ہے۔ کیونکہ مال کی تقسیم میں باہمی فساد کا بھی شدید اندیشہ رہتا ہے، اس کے علاج کے لیے اصلاح ذات البین پر زور دیا۔ ہیراپھیری اور خیانت کا بھی امکاں رہتا ہے اس کے لیے تقویٰ کا حکم دیا۔ اس کے باوجود بھی کوئی کوتاہی ہو جائے تو اس کا حل اللہ اور رسول کی اطاعت میں مضمر ہے۔

listen to Verse 1 from Anfal

Surah Anfal Verse 1 translate in arabic

» tafsir Tafheem-ul-Quran ,Maududi

يسألونك عن الأنفال قل الأنفال لله والرسول فاتقوا الله وأصلحوا ذات بينكم وأطيعوا الله ورسوله إن كنتم مؤمنين

سورة: الأنفال - آية: ( 1 )  - جزء: ( 9 )  -  صفحة: ( 177 )

Surah Anfal Ayat 1 meaning in urdu

تم سے انفال کے متعلق پوچھتے ہیں؟ کہو “یہ انفال تو اللہ اور اُس کے رسُولؐ کے ہیں، پس تم لوگ اللہ سے ڈرو اور اپنے آپس کے تعلقات درست کرو اور اللہ اور اُس کے رسولؐ کی اطاعت کرو اگر تم مومن ہو"

Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(8:1) They ask you concerning the spoils of war? Tell them: 'The spoils of war belong to Allah and the Messenger. So fear Allah, and set things right between you, and obey Allah and His Messenger if you are true believers.  *1

They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the bounties [of war]. Say, "The meaning

*1). The critique of the battle opens with this unusual note. Some disagreements had arisen among the Muslims with regard to sharing the spoils of war. As it was their first experience of fighting under the banner of Islam, the Muslim soldiers had scarcely any notion of the regulations they were required to follow on the battlefield and for settling problems arising from warfare. Doubtlessly some preliminary instructions had been laid down for them in Surah al-Baqarah 2 and Surah Muhammad 47, (See 2: 190 ff. and 47: 4 ff. - Ed.) However the full set of regulations that could contribute to civilizing the conduct of warfare had yet to be laid down. Hence, when it came to war as with several other societal matters, the Muslims were still under the influence of pre-Islamic ideas and concepts. Going by the age-old Arab customs, those who had seized the spoils of war considered themselves their sole and legitimate owners. On the other hand, the Muslims who had concentrated on driving away the enemy rather than on collecting the spoils, claimed that they deserved an equal share of the spoils. They contended that had they slackened in their duty of pursuing the enemy, the latter might have struck back, turning the Muslim victory into a defeat. Similarly, another group of Muslims who had escorted the Prophet (peace he on him) on the battlefield, also laid claim to an equal share, For, they believed, it was they who had rendered an invaluable service insofar as neglect of duty on their part might have resulted in endangering the precious life of the Prophet (peace be on him), in which case the possibility of victory and its attendant spoils and their distribution would all have been totally out of the question. Nonetheless, the group of Muslims who already possessed the spoils saw no merit in these claims. Arguments and counter-arguments gave rise to bitterness and bad blood. (For disagreements among Muslims on the question of distribution of spoils of war see Ibn Hisham, vol. 1. pp. 641-2; al-Waqadi, vol. 1, p. 78. See also the comments on the verse in Qurtubi and Ibn Kathir - Ed.)
It was at this juncture that God revealed the present surah. The opening verse takes up this issue. 'They ask you concerning anfal' is the query with which the surah opens. The very use of the word anfal instead of ghana'im in the query implies the answer. For the word anfal, which is the plural of nafl, stands for that which is extra, that which is over and above what is obligatory. If this extra is from the servant, it denotes that additional service which he voluntarily renders over and above what is obligatory. On the other hand, when this extra is from the master, it denotes the additional reward which the master awards his servant over and above what he is entitled to. What is being conveyed here by using the word anfal is, in fact, that all wrangling about spoils is out of place since it concerns not their rights, but the additional rewards they might receive from God. Any and all heated discussion in which they engaged was irrelevant since it was entirely for God to decide whether He should grant any extra reward or not; and if He should grant it, then how much, and to whom. In short, it was not for men to say who should and who should not receive any party of the spoils.
This was a major conceptual reform. The war that a Muslim wages is not in order to accumulate worldly benefits. He resorts to it for the moral and social reform of the world and does so when the opposing forces make it impossible to bring about reform by means of persuasion and preaching. Being reformers, the Muslims should focus their attentions on their goal - the reform of the world - rather than on the material benefits which accrue to them incidental by way of God's additional reward in lieu of their strivings. If the attention of Muslims is not diverted from material benefits to their true mission, it is likely that material benefits would become an end in themselves.
Moreover, the concept introduced by the Qur'an (see the verse above) also brought about a major administrative reform pertaining to war and the spoils of war. Before the advent of Islam, a soldier used to appropriate all that he could lay his hands on, claiming to be its rightful owner, or else spoils were seized either by; the king or the commander of the army. In the former case, mutual conflicts ensued among soldiers of the victorious army, with the frequent result that their victory turned into defeat. On the other hand, if the spoils were seized by the commander of the army or the ruler, soldiers often concealed and stole the spoils. By declaring that the spoils belong to God and His Messenger, the Qur'an made it obligatory on all soldiers to commit all the spoils of war to the custody of the commander, concealing not even something as trivial as a sewing needle. Subsequently the Qur'an laid down an elaborate set of laws to distribute the spoils of war. According to it, one-fifth of the spoils is to be deposited in the public treasury for public welfare and to provide support for the poor, while four-fifths is to be distributed among the soldiers. (al-Anfal 8: 41 - Ed.) It thus put an end to the evils inherent in the old system.
A subtle point implicit in the above verse should not he overlooked. In the opening verse of the Surah nothing has been said beyond affirming the principle that the spoils belong to God and His Messenger. The problem as to how the spoils should be distributed was not touched upon. The Qur'an does however subsequently treat the question of distribution (see verse 41 below). It is significant that in this second instance the word used is a verbal derivative of ghanimah (spoils, booty) (see verse 41 below) whereas in the opening verse the word used is anfal.

phonetic Transliteration

Yasaloonaka AAani alanfali quli alanfalu lillahi waalrrasooli faittaqoo Allaha waaslihoo thata baynikum waateeAAoo Allaha warasoolahu in kuntum mumineena

English - Sahih International

They ask you, [O Muhammad], about the bounties [of war]. Say, "The [decision concerning] bounties is for Allah and the Messenger." So fear Allah and amend that which is between you and obey Allah and His Messenger, if you should be believers.

Quran Hindi translation

(ऐ रसूल) तुम से लोग अनफाल (माले ग़नीमत) के बारे में पूछा करते हैं तुम कह दो कि अनफाल मख़सूस ख़ुदा और रसूल के वास्ते है तो ख़ुदा से डरो (और) अपने बाहमी (आपसी) मामलात की इसलाह करो और अगर तुम सच्चे (ईमानदार) हो तो ख़ुदा की और उसके रसूल की इताअत करो

Quran Bangla tarjuma

আপনার কাছে জিজ্ঞেস করে, গনীমতের হুকুম। বলে দিন, গণীমতের মাল হল আল্লাহর এবং রসূলের। অতএব, তোমরা আল্লাহকে ভয় কর এবং নিজেদের অবস্থা সংশোধন করে নাও। আর আল্লাহ এবং তাঁর রসূলের হুকুম মান্য কর, যদি ঈমানদার হয়ে থাক।

Page 177 English transliteration

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تفسير Bengali اعراب

Ayats from Quran in Urdu

  1. اور ہم نے بہت سے جن اور انسان دوزخ کے لیے پیدا کیے ہیں۔ ان
  2. یہی وہ (انعام ہے) جس کی خدا اپنے ان بندوں کو جو ایمان لاتے اور
  3. اور جو لوگ خدا (کے بارے) میں بعد اس کے کہ اسے (مومنوں نے) مان
  4. اور اسی طرح ہم نے (لوگوں کو) ان (کے حال) سے خبردار کردیا تاکہ وہ
  5. اے اہل ایمان! اگر تم خدا کی مدد کرو گے تو وہ بھی تمہاری مدد
  6. اور بہت سے منہ (والے) اس روز شادماں ہوں گے
  7. اور (اس وقت کو بھی یاد رکھو) جب خدا فرمائے گا کہ اے عیسیٰ بن
  8. جب ان سے ان کے بھائی صالح نے کہا کہ تم ڈرتے کیوں نہیں؟
  9. سو وہ اس پر ایمان نہیں لاتے اور پہلوں کی روش بھی یہی رہی ہے
  10. یہ لوگ آگ میں بند کر دیئے جائیں گے

Quran surahs in English :

Al-Baqarah Al-'Imran An-Nisa'
Al-Ma'idah Yusuf Ibrahim
Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
Al-Hajj Al-Qasas Al-'Ankabut
As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

Download surah Anfal with the voice of the most famous Quran reciters :

surah Anfal mp3 : choose the reciter to listen and download the chapter Anfal Complete with high quality
surah Anfal Ahmed El Agamy
Ahmed Al Ajmy
surah Anfal Bandar Balila
Bandar Balila
surah Anfal Khalid Al Jalil
Khalid Al Jalil
surah Anfal Saad Al Ghamdi
Saad Al Ghamdi
surah Anfal Saud Al Shuraim
Saud Al Shuraim
surah Anfal Abdul Basit Abdul Samad
Abdul Basit
surah Anfal Abdul Rashid Sufi
Abdul Rashid Sufi
surah Anfal Abdullah Basfar
Abdullah Basfar
surah Anfal Abdullah Awwad Al Juhani
Abdullah Al Juhani
surah Anfal Fares Abbad
Fares Abbad
surah Anfal Maher Al Muaiqly
Maher Al Muaiqly
surah Anfal Muhammad Siddiq Al Minshawi
Al Minshawi
surah Anfal Al Hosary
Al Hosary
surah Anfal Al-afasi
Mishari Al-afasi
surah Anfal Yasser Al Dosari
Yasser Al Dosari

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