Surah Naml Ayat 18 in Urdu - سورہ نمل کی آیت نمبر 18

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Quran online with urdu Quran-e-Kareem With Urdu Translation القرآن الكريم اردو ترجمہ کے ساتھ Fateh Muhammad Jalandhari (فتح محمد جالندھری), Tarjuma Quran Majeed by Molana Maududi - Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International: surah Naml ayat 18 in arabic text.

﴿حَتَّىٰ إِذَا أَتَوْا عَلَىٰ وَادِ النَّمْلِ قَالَتْ نَمْلَةٌ يَا أَيُّهَا النَّمْلُ ادْخُلُوا مَسَاكِنَكُمْ لَا يَحْطِمَنَّكُمْ سُلَيْمَانُ وَجُنُودُهُ وَهُمْ لَا يَشْعُرُونَ﴾
[ النمل: 18]

Ayat With Urdu Translation

یہاں تک کہ جب چیونٹیوں کے میدان میں پہنچے تو ایک چیونٹی نے کہا کہ چیونٹیوں اپنے اپنے بلوں میں داخل ہو جاؤ ایسا نہ ہو کہ سلیمان اور اس کے لشکر تم کو کچل ڈالیں اور ان کو خبر بھی نہ ہو

Surah An-Naml Full Urdu

(1) اس سے ایک تو یہ معلوم ہوا کہ حیوانات میں بھی ایک خاص قسم کا شعور موجود ہے۔ گویا وہ انسانوں سے بہت کم اور مختلف ہے۔ دوسرا، یہ کہ حضرت سلیمان (عليه السلام) اتنی عظمت و فضیلت کے باوجود عالم الغیب نہیں تھے، اسی لیے چیونٹیوں کو خطرہ محسوس ہوا کہ کہیں بے خبری میں ہم روند نہ دیئے جائیں۔ تیسرا، یہ کہ حیوانات بھی اسی عقیدۂ صحیحہ سے بہرور تھے اور ہیں کہ اللہ کے سوا کوئی عالم الغب نہیں۔ جیسا کہ آگے آنے والے ہدہد کے واقعے سے بھی اس کی مزید تائید ہوتی ہے۔ چوتھا، یہ کہ حضرت سلیمان (عليه السلام) پرندوں کے علاوہ دیگر جانوروں کی بولیاں بھی سمجھتے تھے۔ یہ علم بطور اعجاز اللہ تعالیٰ نے انہیں عطا فرمایا تھا، جس طرح تسخیر جنات وغیرہ اعجازی شان تھی۔

listen to Verse 18 from Naml

Surah Naml Verse 18 translate in arabic

» tafsir Tafheem-ul-Quran ,Maududi

حتى إذا أتوا على وادي النمل قالت نملة ياأيها النمل ادخلوا مساكنكم لا يحطمنكم سليمان وجنوده وهم لا يشعرون

سورة: النمل - آية: ( 18 )  - جزء: ( 19 )  -  صفحة: ( 378 )

Surah Naml Ayat 18 meaning in urdu

(ایک مرتبہ وہ ان کے ساتھ کوچ کر رہا تھا) یہاں تک کہ جب یہ سب چیونٹیوں کی وادی میں پہنچے تو ایک چیونٹی نے کہا "“اے چیونٹیو، اپنے بلوں میں گھس جاؤ، کہیں ایسا نہ ہو کہ سلیمانؑ اور اس کے لشکر تمہیں کچل ڈالیں اور انہیں خبر بھی نہ ہو"

Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(27:18) (Once he was marching in an expedition with them) until when they came to the valley of the ants, an ant said, "O ants, get into your holes lest Solomon and his hosts should trample you down without even knowing it. " *24

Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant meaning

*24) This verse also has been greatly misconstrued by some commentators of the present day. They say that wad-in naml does not mean "valley of the ants", but it is the name of a valley that was in Syria, and namlah does not mean an ant but it is the name of a tribe. Thus, according to them, the verse means this: "When the Prophet Solomon reached the valley of the ants, a Namilite said, 'O people of the Naml tribe ......" But this also is an interpretation which is not supported by the words of the Qur'an. Even if we took wad-in-naml to be the name of a valley and supposed that it was inhabited by the tribe of Bani an-Naml, it would be against the Arabic idiom and usage to speak of a member of the tribe as namlah. Although there are many Arab tribes which have been named after the animals, e.g. Kalb (dog), Asad (lion), etc"., yet no Arab would ever say in respect of a member of the Kalb or the Asad tribe: "A dog said, or a lion said, etc. Therefore, it would be against the Arabic idiom to say in respect of a member of the Naml tribe: "A namlah (ant) said this." Then a member of the Naml tribe's warning the people of his tribe, saying, "O Namilites, get into your houses lest Solomon's hosts should trample you down without even knowing it," becomes meaningless, It has never happened that an army of men should have trampled down a group of men without knowing it. If the army has come with the intention of an attack, it would be useless for the other side to get into their houses, for in that case the invaders would follow them into their houses, and trample them more ruthlessly. And if the army is only on the routine march, it is just enough to clear off the way for it. Human beings may be harmed by the marching columns, but it can never happen that the soldiers on the march would trample down other men without knowing it. Therefore, if Bani an-Naml were a tribe of human beings, and one of its members were to warn his people, then in case of an attack, he would have said, "O Namilites, flee your houses and take refuge in the mountains lest Solomon's armies should destroy you. " And in case there was no danger of an attack, he would have said, "O Namilites, clear off the way lest one of you should be harmed by the marching columns of Solomon's armies." This error in the interpretation is on account of the Arabic idiom and the subject-matter. As for the name of the valley and the tribe of Bani an-Naml inhabiting it, it is a mere hypothesis for which there exists no scientific proof. Those who hold that wad-in -naml was the name of a valley have themselves pointed out that it had been so named because of the abundance of ants in it. Qatadah and Muqatil say, "It is a valley in the land of Syria where ants are found in abundance. But in no book of history and geography and in no archaeological research it is mentioned that it was inhabited by a tribe called Bani an-Naml. Thus, it is merely a concoction that has been invented to support one's own interpretation . This story is also found in the Israelite traditions but its latter portion falls against the Qur'an as well as against the regal dignity of the Prophet Solomon. According to it, when the Prophet Solomon was passing through a valley which abounded in ants, he heard an ant calling out to the other ants to say, "Get into your holes, otherwise you will be trampled down by Solomon's hosts." At this, Prophet Solomon displayed great vanity before the ant to which the ant rejoined, " What are you?-the product of a mere sperm-drop ! " Hearing this the Prophet Solomon felt greatly ashamed. (Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. X1, p. 440). This shows how the Qur'an corrects the wrong traditions of the Israelites, and cleanses the filthy spots with which they had themselves branded the characters of their Prophets. It is these traditions about which the Western orientalists shamelessly claim that the Qur'an has plagiarized them for its narratives. Rationally also it is not at all inconceivable that an ant should warn members of its' own species of an impending danger and tell them to get into their holes. As for the question as to how the Prophet Solomon heard it, the answer is: It is not all difficult to understand the crude speech of an ant for a person whose senses can comprehend and receive a subtle message like the Word of Revelation

phonetic Transliteration

Hatta itha ataw AAala wadi alnnamli qalat namlatun ya ayyuha alnnamlu odkhuloo masakinakum la yahtimannakum sulaymanu wajunooduhu wahum la yashAAuroona

English - Sahih International

Until, when they came upon the valley of the ants, an ant said, "O ants, enter your dwellings that you not be crushed by Solomon and his soldiers while they perceive not."

Quran Hindi translation

तो वह सबके सब (मसल मसल) खडे क़िए जाते थे (ग़रज़ इस तरह लशकर चलता) यहाँ तक कि जब (एक दिन) चीटीयों के मैदान में आ निकले तो एक चीटीं बोली ऐ चीटीयों अपने अपने बिल में घुस जाओ- ऐसा न हो कि सुलेमान और उनका लश्कर तुम्हे रौन्द डाले और उन्हें उसकी ख़बर भी न हो

Quran Bangla tarjuma

যখন তারা পিপীলিকা অধ্যূষিত উপত্যকায় পৌঁছাল, তখন এক পিপীলিকা বলল, হে পিপীলিকার দল, তোমরা তোমাদের গৃহে প্রবেশ কর। অন্যথায় সুলায়মান ও তার বাহিনী অজ্ঞাতসারে তোমাদেরকে পিষ্ট করে ফেলবে।

Page 378 English transliteration

English Türkçe Indonesia
Русский Français فارسی
تفسير Bengali اعراب

Ayats from Quran in Urdu

  1. (انہوں نے) کہا کہ ہم ایک گنہگار قوم کی طرف بھیجے گئے ہیں (کہ اس
  2. اور جو لوگ اس بات کو پسند کرتے ہیں کہ مومنوں میں بےحیائی یعنی (تہمت
  3. اور جو لوگ اپنے پروردگار سے ڈرتے ہیں ان کو گروہ گروہ بنا کر بہشت
  4. ان کو کیا ہوا ہے کہ نصیحت سے روگرداں ہو رہے ہیں
  5. یعنی آبخورے اور آفتابے اور صاف شراب کے گلاس لے لے کر
  6. شراب لطیف کے جام کا ان میں دور چل رہا ہوگا
  7. تو ان کو بھونچال نے آ پکڑا اور وہ اپنے گھروں میں اوندھے پڑے رہ
  8. اور اس (قرآن) کو شیطان لے کر نازل نہیں ہوئے
  9. کیا تم نے اس کے درخت کو پیدا کیا ہے یا ہم پیدا کرتے ہیں؟
  10. اور ان باغوں کے علاوہ دو باغ اور ہیں

Quran surahs in English :

Al-Baqarah Al-'Imran An-Nisa'
Al-Ma'idah Yusuf Ibrahim
Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
Al-Hajj Al-Qasas Al-'Ankabut
As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

Download surah Naml with the voice of the most famous Quran reciters :

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Saad Al Ghamdi
surah Naml Saud Al Shuraim
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surah Naml Fares Abbad
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Maher Al Muaiqly
surah Naml Muhammad Siddiq Al Minshawi
Al Minshawi
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surah Naml Al-afasi
Mishari Al-afasi
surah Naml Yasser Al Dosari
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Friday, October 18, 2024

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