Quran 30:54 Surah Rum ayat 54 Tafsir Ibn Katheer in English

  1. Al-Jalalayn
  2. Ibn Kathir
  3. Maarif Quran
  4. Ibn ‘Abbâs
Surah Rum ayat 54 Tafsir Ibn Kathir - English Translation of the Meanings , Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International : surah Rum aya 54 in arabic text(Rome - Byzantium).

﴿۞ اللَّهُ الَّذِي خَلَقَكُم مِّن ضَعْفٍ ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِن بَعْدِ ضَعْفٍ قُوَّةً ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِن بَعْدِ قُوَّةٍ ضَعْفًا وَشَيْبَةً ۚ يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَاءُ ۖ وَهُوَ الْعَلِيمُ الْقَدِيرُ﴾
[ الروم: 54]

English - Sahih International

30:54 Allah is the one who created you from weakness, then made after weakness strength, then made after strength weakness and white hair. He creates what He wills, and He is the Knowing, the Competent.

Surah Ar-Rum in Arabic

Tafsir Surah Rum ayat 54

Al-Jalalayn Muntakhab Ibn Kathir
Maududi Maarif Quran tafsir Bangla
تفسير الآية Indonesia tafsir Urdu

Quran 30:54 Tafsir Al-Jalalayn

God is the One Who created you from a state of weakness from a ‘base fluid’ cf. Q. 328 then He ordained after a second weakness which is the weakness of the period of childhood strength that is the strength of youth then after strength He appointed weakness again and grey hair the weakness of old age and the grey hairs of decrepitude read vocalised as du‘f ‘weakness’ in all three places. He creates what He will of weakness and strength youth and grey hairs and He is the Knower of how to manage His creatures the Omnipotent.

Almuntakhab Fi Tafsir Alquran Alkarim

Allah is He Who created you and delivered you over to this world in a stage of utter weakness then from weakness to strength He evolved you, then He reversed the stage of strength to a stage of weakness and gray hair. He creates and evolves what He will and He is AL-Alim (the Omniscient), AL-Qadir (the Omnipotent)

Quran 30:54 Tafsir Ibn Kathir

The Different Stages of Man Here Allah points out how man passes through different stages of creation, one phase after another.
He is originally created from dust, then from a Nutfah, then from a clot, then from a lump of flesh.
Then he becomes bones, then the bones are clothed with flesh, then the soul is breathed into him.
Then he emerges from his mother's womb, weak and thin and powerless.
Then he grows up little by little, until he becomes a child, then he reaches the stage of puberty, then he becomes a young man, which is strength after weakness.
Then he starts to get older, reaching middle age, then old age and senility, weakness after strength, so he loses his resolve, power of movement and ability to fight, his hair turns grey and his characteristics, both inward and outward, begin to change.
Allah says: ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِن بَعْدِ قُوَّةٍ ضَعْفاً وَشَيْبَةً يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَآءُ ( then after strength gave (you ) weakness and grey hair.
He creates what He wills.) He does whatsoever He wills and controls His servants in whatever way He wants. وَهُوَ الْعَلِيمُ الْقَدِيرُ ( And He is the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful. )

Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(30:54) It is Allah Who created you in a state of weakness; then after weakness He gave you strength, then after strength He made you weak and old. He creates what He pleases. *79 He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful.

Allah is the one who created you meaning

*79) That is, "The states of childhood and youth and old age have all been created by Him.
It is dependent upon His will that He may create whomever He pleases weak and whomever He pleases strong; He may give death to whomever He pleases before attaining manhood and whomever He pleases in the prime of youth; He may grant a long life and yet keep in sound health whomever He pleases and bring to a wretched, agonising old age after a brimful youth whomever He likes.
Man may live in self-conceit and arrogance if he so likes, but he is so helpless in God's powerful grip that he cannot change by any artifice the state that He may place him in.


Tafsir Maarif-ul-Quran Mufti Muhammad Shafi

The Different Stages of Man Here Allah points out how man passes through different stages of creation, one phase after another.
He is originally created from dust, then from a Nutfah, then from a clot, then from a lump of flesh.
Then he becomes bones, then the bones are clothed with flesh, then the soul is breathed into him.
Then he emerges from his mother's womb, weak and thin and powerless.
Then he grows up little by little, until he becomes a child, then he reaches the stage of puberty, then he becomes a young man, which is strength after weakness.
Then he starts to get older, reaching middle age, then old age and senility, weakness after strength, so he loses his resolve, power of movement and ability to fight, his hair turns grey and his characteristics, both inward and outward, begin to change.
Allah says: ثُمَّ جَعَلَ مِن بَعْدِ قُوَّةٍ ضَعْفاً وَشَيْبَةً يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَآءُ ( then after strength gave (you ) weakness and grey hair.
He creates what He wills.) He does whatsoever He wills and controls His servants in whatever way He wants. وَهُوَ الْعَلِيمُ الْقَدِيرُ ( And He is the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful. )

Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs

( Allah is He who shaped you out of weakness ) from a weak sperm, ( then appointed after weakness strength ) a strong, young man, ( then, after strength, appointed weakness ) old age ( and grey hair ) after enjoying youth. ( He createth what He will ) He transforms His created beings as He wills from one state to another. ( He is the Knower ) of His creation, ( the Mighty ) He is able to transform them.

Muhammad Taqiud-Din alHilali

Allah is He Who created you in (a state of) weakness, then gave you strength after weakness, then after strength gave (you) weakness and grey hair. He creates what He wills. And it is He Who is the All-Knowing, the All-Powerful (i.e. Able to do all things).

Page 410 English transliteration

⚠️Disclaimer: there's no literal translation to Allah's holy words, but we translate the meaning.
We try our best to translate, keeping in mind the Italian saying: "Traduttore, traditore", which means: "Translation is a betrayal of the original text".

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Ayats from Quran in English

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