Surah Hood | from the moshaf in arabic uthmani
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English translation of the meaning Page No 223
Sura Hud from 13 to 19
13. Or they say, « He ( Prophet Muhammad ( saas ) ) forged it ( the Qur’an ) . » Say: « Bring you then ten forged Sûrahs ( chapters ) like unto it, and call whomsoever you can, other than Allâh ( to your help ) , if you speak the truth! »
14. If then they answer you not, know then that it [ the Revelation ( this Qur’ân ) ] is sent down with the Knowledge of Allâh and that Lâ ilâha illa Huwa: ( none has the right to be worshipped but He ) ! Will you then be Muslims ( those who submit in Islâm ) ?
15. Whosoever desires the life of the world and its glitter, to them We shall pay in full ( the wages of ) their deeds therein, and they will have no diminution therein.
16. They are those for whom there is nothing in the Hereafter but Fire, and vain are the deeds they did therein. And of no effect is that which they used to do.
17. Can they ( Muslims ) who rely on a clear proof ( the Qur’ân ) from their Lord, and whom a witness [ Jibril ( Gabriel ( as ) ) ] from Him recites ( follows ) it ( can they be equal with the disbelievers ) ; and before it, came the Book of Mûsâ ( Moses ) , a guidance and a mercy, they believe therein, but those of the sects ( Jews, Christians and all the other non- Muslim nations ) that reject it ( the Qur’ân ) , the Fire will be their promised meeting- place. So be not in doubt about it ( i.e. those who denied Prophet Muhammad ( saas ) and also denied all that which he brought from Allâh. Surely, they will enter Hell ) . Verily, it is the truth from your Lord, but most of the mankind believe not. [ 1 ]
18. And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against Allâh. Such will be brought before their Lord, and the witnesses will say, « These are the ones who lied against their Lord! » No doubt! the curse of Allâh is on the Zâlimûn ( polytheists, wrong- doers, oppressors ) . [ 2 ]
19. Those who hinder ( others ) from the Path of Allâh ( Islâmic Monotheism ) , and seek a crookedness therein, while they are disbelievers in the Hereafter.
[1] (V.11:17) See the footnote of (V.3:85) and the footnote (c) of (V.41:46).
[2] (V.11:18) The Statement of Allâh (Lord Almighty and Exalted): "The witnesses will say: ‘These are the ones who lied against their Lord...’"
Narrated Safwân bin Muhriz: While Ibn ‘Umar was performing the Tawâf ( around the Ka‘bah ) , a man came up to him and said, « O Abu ‘Abdur- Rahmân! » or said, « O Ibn ‘Umar! Did you hear anything from the Prophet ( saas ) about An- Najwâ? » * Ibn ‘Umar said, « I heard the Prophet ( saas ) saying, ‘The believer will be brought near his Lord.’ » ( Hishâm, a subnarrator said, reporting the Prophet’s words ) , « The believer will come near ( his Lord ) till his Lord covers him with His Screen and makes him confess his sins. ( Allâh will ask him ) . ‘Do you know ( that you did ) such- and- such a sin.’ He will say twice, ‘Yes, I know I did commit those sins.’ Then Allâh will say, ‘I did screen your sins in the world and I forgive them for you today.’ Then the record of his good deeds will be folded up [ i.e. the record ( Book ) of his good deeds will be given to him ] . As for the others or the disbelievers, it will be announced publicly before the witnesses: ‘These are the ones who lied against their Lord.’ » ( Sahih Al- Bukhari, Vol.6, Hadith No.207 ) .
* An- Najwâ: the private talk between Allâh and His slave on the Day of Resurrection. It also means, a secret counsel or conference or consultation.
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