Surah Al-Qasas | from the moshaf in arabic uthmani
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English translation of the meaning Page No 395
Sura Al-Qasas from 78 to 84
78. He said: « This has been given to me only because of the knowledge I possess. » Did he not know that Allâh had destroyed before him generations, men who were stronger than him in might and greater in the amount ( of riches ) they had collected? But the Mujrimûn ( criminals, disbelievers, polytheists, sinners ) will not be questioned of their sins ( because Allâh knows them well, so they will be punished without being called to account ) .
79. So he went forth before his people in his pomp. Those who were desirous of the life of the world, said: « Ah, would that we had the like of what Qârûn ( Korah ) has been given! Verily he is the owner of a great fortune. »
80. But those who had been given ( religious ) knowledge said: « Woe to you! The Reward of Allâh ( in the Hereafter ) is better for those who believe and do righteous good deeds, and this none shall attain except those who are As- Sâbirûn ( the patient in following the truth ) . »
81. So We caused the earth to swallow him [ 1 ] and his dwelling place. Then he had no group or party to help him against Allâh, nor was he one of those who could save themselves.
82. And those who had desired ( for a position like ) his position the day before, began to say: « Know you not that it is Allâh Who enlarges the provision or restricts it to whomsoever He pleases of His slaves. Had it not been that Allâh was Gracious to us, He could have caused the earth to swallow us up ( also ) ! Know you not that the disbelievers will never be successful.»
83. That home of the Hereafter ( i.e. Paradise ) , We shall assign to those who rebel not against the truth with pride [ 2 ] and oppression in the land nor do mischief by committing crimes. And the good end is for the Muttaqûn ( the pious - See V.2:2 ) .
84. Whosoever brings good ( Islâmic Monotheism along with righteous deeds ) , he shall have the better thereof; and whosoever brings evil ( polytheism along with evil deeds ) , then those who do evil deeds will only be requited for what they used to do.
[1] (V.28:81) Chapter 5. Whoever drags his garment out of pride and arrogance (conceit).
a ) Narrated Abû Hurairah ( raa ) : Allâh’s Messenger ( saas ) said, « Allâh will not look, on the Day of Resurrection, at a person who drags his Izâr* ( behind him ) out of pride and arrogance. » [ See the footnote of ( V.22:9 ) ]
b ) Narrated Abu Hurairah ( raa ) : The Prophet ( saas ) ( or Abul- Qasim ( saas ) ) said, « While a man was walking, clad in a two- piece garment and proud of himself with his hair well- combed, suddenly Allâh made him sink into the earth and he will go on sinking into it till the Day of Resurrection. »
c ) Narrated ‘Abdullâh ( bin ‘Umar ( raa ) ) : Allâh’s Messenger ( saas ) said, ‘While a man was dragging his Izâr* on the ground ( behind him ) , suddenly Allâh made him sink into the earth and he will go on sinking into it till the Day of Resurrection. « ( Sahih Al- Bukhari, Vol.7, Hadith No.679, 680, 681 ) .»
Izâr: Lower- half body- cover.
[2] (V.28:83) See the footnote of (V.22:9)
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