Surah At-Tahrim | from the moshaf in arabic uthmani
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English translation of the meaning Page No 560
Sura Al-Tahrim from 1 to 7
Sûrat At- Tahrîm
( The Prohibition ) LXVI
In the Name of Allâh,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
1. O Prophet! Why do you forbid ( for yourself ) that which Allâh has allowed to you, seeking to please your wives? And Allâh is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful.
2. Allâh has already ordained for you ( O men ) the absolution from your oaths. And Allâh is your Maulâ ( Lord, or Master, or Protector ) and He is the All- Knower, the All- Wise.
3. And ( remember ) when the Prophet ( ( saas ) ) disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his wives ( Hafsah ) , then she told it ( to another i.e. ‘Âishah ) . And Allâh made it known to him; he informed part thereof and left a part. Then when he told her ( Hafsah ) thereof, she said: « Who told you this? » He said: « The All- Knower, the All- Aware ( Allâh ) has told me. »
4. If you two ( wives of the Prophet ( saas ) : ‘Âishah and Hafsah ( raa ) ) turn in repentance to Allâh, ( it will be better for you ) , your hearts are indeed so inclined ( to oppose what the Prophet ( saas ) likes ) ; but if you help one another against him ( Muhammad ( saas ) ) , then verily, Allâh is his Maulâ ( Lord, or Master, or Protector ) , and Jibrîl ( Gabriel ) , and the righteous among the believers; and furthermore, the angels are his helpers.
5. It may be if he divorced you ( all ) that his Lord will give him instead of you, wives better than you - Muslims ( who submit to Allâh ) , believers, obedient ( to Allâh ) , turning to Allâh in repentance, worshipping Allâh sincerely, given to fasting or emigrants ( for Allâh’s sake ) , previously married and virgins.
6. O you who believe! Ward off yourselves and your families against a Fire ( Hell ) whose fuel is men and stones, over which are ( appointed ) angels stern ( and ) severe, who disobey not, ( from executing ) the Commands they receive from Allâh, but do that which they are commanded.
7. ( It will be said in the Hereafter ) O you who disbelieve ( in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism ) ! Make no excuses this Day! You are being requited only for what you used to do. [ 1 ]
[1] (V.66:7) See the footnote of (V.3:85).
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