Surah Al-Muzzammil | from the moshaf in arabic uthmani
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English translation of the meaning Page No 574
Sura Al-Muzammil from 1 to 19
Sûrat Al- Muzzammil
( The One Wrapped in Garments ) LXXIII
In the Name of Allâh,
the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
1. O you wrapped in garments ( i.e. Prophet Muhammad ( saas ) ) !
2. Stand ( to pray ) all night, except a little -
3. Half of it or a little less than that,
4. Or a little more. And recite the Qur’ân ( aloud ) in a slow, ( pleasant tone and ) style. [ 1 ]
5. Verily, We shall send down to you a weighty Word ( i.e. obligations, laws ) .
6. Verily, the rising by night ( for Tahajjud prayer ) is very hard and most potent and good for governing oneself, and most suitable for ( understanding ) the Word ( of Allâh ) .
7. Verily, there is for you by day prolonged occupation with ordinary duties.
8. And remember the Name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him with a complete devotion.
9. ( He Alone is ) the Lord of the east and the west; Lâ ilâha illâ Huwa ( none has the right to be worshipped but He ) . So take Him Alone as Wakîl ( Disposer of your affairs ) . [ 2 ]
10. And be patient ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) with what they say, and keep away from them in a good way.
11. And leave Me Alone to deal with the beliers ( those who deny My Verses ) , those who are in possession of good things of life. And give them respite for a little while.
12. Verily, with Us are fetters ( to bind them ) , and a raging Fire.
13. And a food that chokes, and a painful torment.
14. On the Day when the earth and the mountains will be in violent shake, and the mountains will be a heap of sand poured out.
15. Verily, We have sent to you ( O men ) a Messenger ( Muhammad ( saas ) ) to be a witness over you, as We did send a Messenger [ Mûsâ ( Moses ) ] to Fir‘aun ( Pharaoh ) . [ 3 ]
16. But Fir‘aun ( Pharaoh ) disobeyed the Messenger [ Mûsâ ( Moses ) ] ; so We seized him with a severe punishment.
17. Then how can you avoid the punishment, if you disbelieve, on a Day ( i.e. the Day of Resurrection ) that will make the children grey- headed?
18. Whereon the heaven will be cleft asunder? His Promise is certainly to be accomplished.
19. Verily, this is an admonition: therefore whosoever will, let him take a Path to His Lord!
[1] (V.73:4) See the footnote of (V.29:51).
[2] (V.73:9) See the (V.3:173) and its footnotes.
[3] (V.73:15) See the footnotes of (V.2:252).
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