Surah Al-Jinn | from the moshaf in arabic uthmani
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English translation of the meaning Page No 573
Sura Al-Jinn from 14 to 28
14. ‘And of us some are Muslims ( who have submitted to Allâh, after listening to this Qur’ân ) , and of us some are Al- Qâsitûn ( disbelievers - those who have deviated from the Right Path ) ’. And whosoever has embraced Islâm ( i.e. has become a Muslim by submitting to Allâh ) , then such have sought the Right Path. « »
15. And as for the Qâsitûn ( disbelievers who deviated from the Right Path ) , they shall be firewood for Hell,
16. If they ( non- Muslims ) had believed in Allâh, and went on the Right Way ( i.e. Islâm ) We would surely have bestowed on them water ( rain ) in abundance.
17. That We might try them thereby. And whosoever turns away from the Reminder of his Lord ( i.e. this Qur’ân, - and practise not its laws and orders ) , He will cause him to enter in a severe torment ( i.e. Hell ) .
18. And the mosques are for Allâh ( Alone ) : so invoke not anyone along with Allâh. [ 1 ]
19. And when the slave of Allâh ( Muhammad ( saas ) ) stood up invoking Him ( his Lord - Allâh ) in prayer they ( the jinn ) just made round him a dense crowd as if sticking one over the other ( in order to listen to the Prophet’s recitation ) .
20. Say ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) : « I invoke only my Lord ( Allâh Alone ) , and I associate none as partners along with Him. »
21. Say: « It is not in my power to cause you harm, or to bring you to the Right Path. »
22. Say ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) : « None can protect me from Allâh’s punishment ( if I were to disobey Him ) , nor can I find refuge except in Him.»
23. « ( Mine is ) but conveyance ( of the truth ) from Allâh and His Messages ( of Islâmic Monotheism ) , and whosoever disobeys Allâh and His Messenger, then Verily, for him is the Fire of Hell, he shall dwell therein forever. » [ 2 ]
24. Till, when they see that which they are promised, then they will know who it is that is weaker concerning helpers and less important concerning numbers.
25. Say ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) : « I know not whether ( the punishment ) which you are promised is near or whether my Lord will appoint for it a distant term.»
26. « ( He Alone is ) the All- Knower of the Ghaib ( Unseen ) , and He reveals to none His Ghaib ( Unseen ) . »
27. Except to a Messenger ( from mankind ) whom He has chosen ( He informs him of unseen as much as He likes ) , and then He makes a band of watching guards ( angels ) to march before him and behind him.
28. [ He ( Allâh ) protects them ( the Messengers ) ] , till He sees that they ( the Messengers ) have conveyed the Messages of their Lord ( Allâh ) . And He ( Allâh ) surrounds all that which is with them, and He ( Allâh ) keeps count of all things ( i.e. He knows the exact number of everything ) .
[1] (V.72:18) See the footnote of (V.2:165).
[2] (V.72:23) See the footnote of (V.3:85).
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