Quran 18:73 Surah Kahf ayat 73 Tafsir Ibn Katheer in English

  1. Al-Jalalayn
  2. Ibn Kathir
  3. Maarif Quran
  4. Ibn ‘Abbâs
Surah Kahf ayat 73 Tafsir Ibn Kathir - English Translation of the Meanings , Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International : surah Kahf aya 73 in arabic text(The Cave).

﴿قَالَ لَا تُؤَاخِذْنِي بِمَا نَسِيتُ وَلَا تُرْهِقْنِي مِنْ أَمْرِي عُسْرًا﴾
[ الكهف: 73]

English - Sahih International

18:73 [Moses] said, "Do not blame me for what I forgot and do not cover me in my matter with difficulty."

Surah Al-Kahf in Arabic

Tafsir Surah Kahf ayat 73

Al-Jalalayn Muntakhab Ibn Kathir
Maududi Maarif Quran tafsir Bangla
تفسير الآية Indonesia tafsir Urdu

Quran 18:73 Tafsir Al-Jalalayn

He said ‘Do not take me to task on account of that which I forgot that is on account of the fact that I was not mindful of submitting to you in the matter and of refraining from showing disapproval of your actions and do not exhaust me do not charge me in this affair of mine with difficulty’ with hardship during my companionship of you in other words treat me throughout it with forgiveness and indulgence.

Almuntakhab Fi Tafsir Alquran Alkarim

My apologies, said Mussa, please do not reproach me for my lapse of memory, nor impose on me an action hard to understand

Quran 18:73 Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Damaging the Boat Allah tells us that Musa and his companion Al-Khidr set out having come to an agreement and reached an understanding.
Al-Khidr had made the condition that Musa should not ask him about anything he found distasteful until he himself initiated the discussion and offered an explanation.
So they went on board the ship, as described in the Hadith quoted above -- the crew recognized Al-Khidr and let them ride on board free of charge, as an honor to Al-Khidr.
When the boat took them out to sea and they were far from the shore, Al-Khidr got up and damaged the boat, pulling out one of its planks and then patching it up again.
Musa, peace be upon him, could not restrain himself from denouncing him, so he said: أَخَرَقْتَهَا لِتُغْرِقَ أَهْلَهَا ( Have you damaged it wherein its people will drown ) The grammatical structure of the sentence in Arabic implies that this was the consequence, not the purpose, of his action. لَقَدْ جِئْتَ شَيْئًا إِمْرًا ( Verily, you have committed a thing Imr. ) About `Imr', Mujahid said: "An evil thing." Qatadah said, "An astounding thing." At this point, reminding him of the previously-agreed condition, Al-Khidr said: أَلَمْ أَقُلْ إِنَّكَ لَن تَسْتَطِيعَ مَعِىَ صَبْراً ( Did I not tell you, that you would not be able to have patience with me ) meaning, `this thing that I did deliberately is one of the things I told you not to denounce me for, because you do not know the full story, and there is a reason and purpose for it that you do not know about.' قَالَ ( He said ), meaning, Musa said: لاَ تُؤَاخِذْنِى بِمَا نَسِيتُ وَلاَ تُرْهِقْنِى مِنْ أَمْرِى عُسْراً ( Call me not to account for what I forgot, and be not hard upon me for my affair (with you ).) meaning, `do not be harsh with me.' Hence it says in the Hadith quoted above from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ:
«كَانَتِ الْأُولَى مِنْ مُوسَى نِسْيَانًا»
( In the first instance, Musa asked Al-Khidr because he had forgotten his promise. )

Tafsir Maarif-ul-Quran Mufti Muhammad Shafi

Damaging the Boat Allah tells us that Musa and his companion Al-Khidr set out having come to an agreement and reached an understanding.
Al-Khidr had made the condition that Musa should not ask him about anything he found distasteful until he himself initiated the discussion and offered an explanation.
So they went on board the ship, as described in the Hadith quoted above -- the crew recognized Al-Khidr and let them ride on board free of charge, as an honor to Al-Khidr.
When the boat took them out to sea and they were far from the shore, Al-Khidr got up and damaged the boat, pulling out one of its planks and then patching it up again.
Musa, peace be upon him, could not restrain himself from denouncing him, so he said: أَخَرَقْتَهَا لِتُغْرِقَ أَهْلَهَا ( Have you damaged it wherein its people will drown ) The grammatical structure of the sentence in Arabic implies that this was the consequence, not the purpose, of his action. لَقَدْ جِئْتَ شَيْئًا إِمْرًا ( Verily, you have committed a thing Imr. ) About `Imr', Mujahid said: "An evil thing." Qatadah said, "An astounding thing." At this point, reminding him of the previously-agreed condition, Al-Khidr said: أَلَمْ أَقُلْ إِنَّكَ لَن تَسْتَطِيعَ مَعِىَ صَبْراً ( Did I not tell you, that you would not be able to have patience with me ) meaning, `this thing that I did deliberately is one of the things I told you not to denounce me for, because you do not know the full story, and there is a reason and purpose for it that you do not know about.' قَالَ ( He said ), meaning, Musa said: لاَ تُؤَاخِذْنِى بِمَا نَسِيتُ وَلاَ تُرْهِقْنِى مِنْ أَمْرِى عُسْراً ( Call me not to account for what I forgot, and be not hard upon me for my affair (with you ).) meaning, `do not be harsh with me.' Hence it says in the Hadith quoted above from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ: «كَانَتِ الْأُولَى مِنْ مُوسَى نِسْيَانًا» ( In the first instance, Musa asked Al-Khidr because he had forgotten his promise. )

Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs

( (Moses ) said: Be not wroth with me that I forgot) your advice, ( and be not hard upon me for my fault ) do not tax me severely for my fault.

Muhammad Taqiud-Din alHilali

[Musa (Moses)] said: "Call me not to account for what I forgot, and be not hard upon me for my affair (with you)."

Page 301 English transliteration

⚠️Disclaimer: there's no literal translation to Allah's holy words, but we translate the meaning.
We try our best to translate, keeping in mind the Italian saying: "Traduttore, traditore", which means: "Translation is a betrayal of the original text".

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Ayats from Quran in English

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Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
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As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

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