Surah Az-Zumar | from the moshaf in arabic uthmani
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English translation of the meaning Page No 460
Sura Al-Zumar from 11 to 21
11. Say ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) : « Verily I am commanded to worship Allâh ( Alone ) by obeying Him and doing religious deeds sincerely for His sake only.»
12. « And I am commanded ( this ) in order that I may be the first of those who submit themselves to Allâh ( in Islâm ) as Muslims. »
13. Say ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) : « Verily if I disobey my Lord, I am afraid of the torment of a great Day. »
14. Say ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) : « Allâh Alone I worship by doing religious deeds sincerely for His sake only ( and not to show off, and not to set up rivals with Him in worship. ) »
15. So worship what you like besides Him. Say ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) : « The losers are those who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Verily, that will be a manifest loss! »
16. They shall have coverings of Fire, above them and covering ( of Fire ) beneath them. With this Allâh does frighten His slaves: « O My slaves, therefore fear Me! »
17. Those who avoid At- Tâghût [ 1 ] ( false deities ) by not worshipping them and turn to Allâh ( in repentance ) , for them are glad tidings; so announce the good news to My slaves -
18. Those who listen to the Word [ good advice Lâ ilâha illallâh - ( none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh ) and Islâmic Monotheism ] and follow the best thereof ( i.e. worship Allâh Alone, repent to Him and avoid Tâghût ) those are ( the ones ) whom Allâh has guided and those are men of understanding. [ 2 ]
19. Is, then one against whom the Word of punishment is justified ( equal to the one who avoids evil ) ? Will you ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) rescue him who is in the Fire?
20. But those who fear their Lord ( Allâh ) and keep their duty to Him, for them are built lofty rooms, one above another under which rivers flow ( i.e. Paradise ) . ( This is ) the Promise of Allâh: and Allâh does not fail in ( His ) Promise.
21. See you not that Allâh sends down water ( rain ) from the sky, and causes it to penetrate the earth, ( and then makes it to spring up ) as water- springs, and afterward thereby produces crops of different colours, and afterward they wither and you see them turn yellow; then He makes them dry and broken pieces. Verily, in this is a Reminder for men of understanding.
[1] (V.39:17) See the footnote of (V.2:256).
[2] (V.39:18) Like Zaid bin ‘Amr bin Nufail, Salmân Al-Fârisi and Abû Dharr Al-Ghifârî. [Tafsir Al- Qurtubi, also see the footnote of (V.2:135)].
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