surah Raad aya 13 , English transliteration & translation of the meaning Ayah.

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English Transliteration & Translation of the Meanings by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali , Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International : surah Raad aya 13 in arabic text(The Thunder).
Verse 13 from Ar-Rad in Arabic

﴿وَيُسَبِّحُ الرَّعْدُ بِحَمْدِهِ وَالْمَلَائِكَةُ مِنْ خِيفَتِهِ وَيُرْسِلُ الصَّوَاعِقَ فَيُصِيبُ بِهَا مَن يَشَاءُ وَهُمْ يُجَادِلُونَ فِي اللَّهِ وَهُوَ شَدِيدُ الْمِحَالِ﴾
[ الرعد: 13]

Wayusabbihu arraAAdu bihamdihi walmala-ikatu min kheefatihi wayursilu assawaAAiqa fayuseebu biha man yashao wahum yujadiloona fee Allahi wahuwa shadeedu almihal

transliterasi Indonesia

wa yusabbiḥur-ra'du biḥamdihī wal-malā`ikatu min khīfatih, wa yursiluṣ-ṣawā'iqa fa yuṣību bihā may yasyā`u wa hum yujādilụna fillāh, wa huwa syadīdul miḥāl

English translation of the meaning

And the thunder exalts [Allah] with praise of Him - and the angels [as well] from fear of Him - and He sends thunderbolts and strikes therewith whom He wills while they dispute about Allah; and He is severe in assault.

Surah Ar-Rad Full

Wa Yusabbihu Ar-Ra`du Bihamdihi Wa Al-Mala`ikatu Min Khifatihi Wa Yursilu As-Sawa`iqa Fayusibu Biha Man Yasha`u Wa Hum Yujadiluna Fi Allahi Wa Huwa Shadidu Al-Mihali

Wayusabbihu alrraAAdu bihamdihi waalmalaikatu min kheefatihi wayursilu alssawaAAiqa fayuseebu biha man yashao wahum yujadiloona fee Allahi wahuwa shadeedu almihali

Wayusabbihu arraAAdu bihamdihi walmala-ikatu min kheefatihi wayursilu assawaAAiqa fayuseebu biha man yashao - meaning

English Français Indonesia
Bengali Hindi Urdu
Русский تفسير فارسی

listen to ayat 13 from Raad phonetique

Turkish: ayet nasıl okunur

veyüsebbiḥu-rra`dü biḥamdihî velmelâiketü min ḫîfetih. veyürsilu-ṣṣavâ`iḳa feyüṣîbü bihâ mey yeşâü vehüm yücâdilûne fi-llâh. vehüve şedîdü-lmiḥâl.

Wayusabbihu arraAAdu bihamdihi walmala-ikatu min kheefatihi wayursilu assawaAAiqa fayuseebu biha man yashao meaning in urdu

بادلوں کی گرج اس کی حمد کے ساتھ اس کی پاکی بیان کرتی ہے اور فرشتے اس کی ہیبت سے لرزتے ہوئے اُس کی تسبیح کرتے ہیں وہ کڑکتی ہوئی بجلیوں کو بھیجتا ہے اور (بسا اوقات) اُنہیں جس پر چاہتا ہے عین اس حالت میں گرا دیتا ہے جبکہ لوگ اللہ کے بارے میں جھگڑ رہے ہوتے ہیں فی الواقع اس کی چال بڑی زبردست ہے

Muhammad Taqiud-Din alHilali

And Ar-Ra'd (thunder) glorifies and praises Him, and so do the angels because of His Awe, He sends the thunderbolts, and therewith He strikes whom He wills, yet they (disbelievers) dispute about Allah. And He is Mighty in strength and Severe in punishment.

Indonesia transalation

Dan guruh bertasbih memuji-Nya, (demikian pula) para malaikat karena takut kepada-Nya, dan Allah melepaskan halilintar, lalu menimpakannya kepada siapa yang Dia kehendaki, sementara mereka berbantah-bantahan tentang Allah, dan Dia Mahakeras siksaan-Nya.

Page 250 English transliteration

⚠️Disclaimer: there's no literal translation to Allah's holy words, but we translate the meaning.
We try our best to translate, keeping in mind the Italian saying: "Traduttore, traditore", which means: "Translation is a betrayal of the original text".

Wayusabbihu arraAAdu bihamdihi walmala-ikatu min kheefatihi wayursilu assawaAAiqa fayuseebu biha man yashao translate in arabic

ويسبح الرعد بحمده والملائكة من خيفته ويرسل الصواعق فيصيب بها من يشاء وهم يجادلون في الله وهو شديد المحال

سورة: الرعد - آية: ( 13 )  - جزء: ( 13 )  -  صفحة: ( 250 )

Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(13:13) The thunder glorifies Him with His praise *20 and the angels, too, glorify Him in awe of Him. *21 He lets loose thunderbolts and (often) smites with them whomsoever He wills, while they are wrangling about Allah. The fact is that His plan is very effective. *22

Wa yusabbihur ra`du bihamdihee walmalaaa`ikatu min kheefatihee wa yursilus sawaa`iqa fa yuseebu bihaa mai yashaaa`u wa hum yujaadiloona fil laahi wa Huwa shadeedul mihaal

*20) The thunder is a proclamation of Tauhid for those who have ears to hear the real meaning of its loud noise which follows the flash of lightning, though it is merely a kind of noise for those who hear it like animals. For it proclaims that Allah Who raises clouds from the oceans and carries them wherever He wills, and makes the lightning flash from the clouds and then turns them into rain so as to supply water to the dwellers of the earth, is perfect and worthy of all praise, is All-Wise and All-Powerful and is flawless in every respect and has do partner whatsoever.
*21) The mention of the fact that the angels are filled with awe of their Lord, and they proclaim His praise has a special significance here. This is to refute the shirk of the ignorant people who have always worshipped the angels as gods and deities and believed them to be partners with God in His Godhead. It has been stated that they are not partners with Allah but His most obedient servants; so much so that they praise Him and are filled with awe of Him.
*22) He has countless plans and measures which are so effective and sudden that He can smite any one with any one of them from any side He will. So much so that the intended victim is absolutely unaware of it. This is a proof that those people, who say absurd things about such All-Powerful Being, are absolutely void of sense.

Ayats from Quran in English

  1. Laqad arsalna rusulana bilbayyinati waanzalna maAAahumu alkitaba walmeezana liyaqooma annasu bilqisti waanzalna alhadeeda feehi ba'sun
  2. Inna fee thalika lathikra liman kana lahu qalbun aw alqa assamAAa wahuwa shaheed
  3. In hatha illa khuluqu al-awwaleen
  4. Fafahhamnaha sulaymana wakullan atayna hukman waAAilman wasakhkharna maAAa dawooda aljibala yusabbihna wattayra wakunna faAAileen
  5. Falamma raawha qaloo inna ladalloon
  6. Maliki annas
  7. Inna allatheena tawaffahumu almala-ikatu thalimee anfusihim qaloo feema kuntum qaloo kunna mustadAAafeena fee al-ardi qaloo
  8. Hatha ma tooAAadoona likulli awwabin hafeeth
  9. Am yaqooloona iftarahu bal huwa alhaqqu min rabbika litunthira qawman ma atahum min natheerin min
  10. Hurrimat AAalaykumu almaytatu waddamu walahmu alkhinzeeri wama ohilla lighayri Allahi bihi walmunkhaniqatu walmawqoothatu walmutaraddiyatu wannateehatu

Quran surahs in English :

Al-Baqarah Al-'Imran An-Nisa'
Al-Ma'idah Yusuf Ibrahim
Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
Al-Hajj Al-Qasas Al-'Ankabut
As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

Download surah Raad with the voice of the most famous Quran reciters :

surah Raad mp3 : choose the reciter to listen and download the chapter Raad Complete with high quality
surah Raad Ahmed El Agamy
Ahmed Al Ajmy
surah Raad Bandar Balila
Bandar Balila
surah Raad Khalid Al Jalil
Khalid Al Jalil
surah Raad Saad Al Ghamdi
Saad Al Ghamdi
surah Raad Saud Al Shuraim
Saud Al Shuraim
surah Raad Abdul Basit Abdul Samad
Abdul Basit
surah Raad Abdul Rashid Sufi
Abdul Rashid Sufi
surah Raad Abdullah Basfar
Abdullah Basfar
surah Raad Abdullah Awwad Al Juhani
Abdullah Al Juhani
surah Raad Fares Abbad
Fares Abbad
surah Raad Maher Al Muaiqly
Maher Al Muaiqly
surah Raad Muhammad Siddiq Al Minshawi
Al Minshawi
surah Raad Al Hosary
Al Hosary
surah Raad Al-afasi
Mishari Al-afasi
surah Raad Yasser Al Dosari
Yasser Al Dosari

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