surah Baqarah aya 180 , English transliteration & translation of the meaning Ayah.

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English Transliteration & Translation of the Meanings by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali , Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International : surah Baqarah aya 180 in arabic text(The Cow).
Verse 180 from Al-Baqarah in Arabic

﴿كُتِبَ عَلَيْكُمْ إِذَا حَضَرَ أَحَدَكُمُ الْمَوْتُ إِن تَرَكَ خَيْرًا الْوَصِيَّةُ لِلْوَالِدَيْنِ وَالْأَقْرَبِينَ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ۖ حَقًّا عَلَى الْمُتَّقِينَ﴾
[ البقرة: 180]

Kutiba AAalaykum itha hadara ahadakumu almawtu in taraka khayran alwasiyyatu lilwalidayni wal-aqrabeena bilmaAAroofi haqqan AAala almuttaqeen

transliterasi Indonesia

kutiba 'alaikum iżā ḥaḍara aḥadakumul-mautu in taraka khairanil-waṣiyyatu lil-wālidaini wal-aqrabīna bil-ma'rụf, ḥaqqan 'alal-muttaqīn

English translation of the meaning

Prescribed for you when death approaches [any] one of you if he leaves wealth [is that he should make] a bequest for the parents and near relatives according to what is acceptable - a duty upon the righteous.

Surah Al-Baqarah Full

Kutiba `Alaykum `Idha Hađara `Ahadakumu Al-Mawtu `In Taraka Khayraan Al-Wasiyatu Lilwalidayni Wa Al-`Aqrabina Bil-Ma`rufi Haqqaan `Ala Al-Muttaqina

Kutiba AAalaykum itha hadara ahadakumu almawtu in taraka khayran alwasiyyatu lilwalidayni waalaqrabeena bialmaAAroofi haqqan AAala almuttaqeena

Kutiba AAalaykum itha hadara ahadakumu almawtu in taraka khayran alwasiyyatu lilwalidayni wal-aqrabeena - meaning

English Français Indonesia
Bengali Hindi Urdu
Русский تفسير فارسی

listen to ayat 180 from Baqarah phonetique

Turkish: ayet nasıl okunur

kütibe `aleyküm iẕâ ḥaḍara eḥadekümü-lmevtü in terake ḫayran. elveṣiyyetü lilvâlideyni vel'aḳrabîne bilma`rûf. ḥaḳḳan `ale-lmütteḳîn.

Kutiba AAalaykum itha hadara ahadakumu almawtu in taraka khayran alwasiyyatu lilwalidayni wal-aqrabeena meaning in urdu

تم پر فرض کیا گیا ہے کہ جب تم میں سے کسی کی موت کا وقت آئے اور وہ اپنے پیچھے مال چھوڑ رہا ہو، تو والدین اور رشتہ داروں کے لیے معروف طریقے سے وصیت کرے یہ حق ہے متقی لوگوں پر

Muhammad Taqiud-Din alHilali

It is prescribed for you, when death approaches any of you, if he leaves wealth, that he make a bequest to parents and next of kin, according to reasonable manners. (This is) a duty upon Al-Muttaqun (the pious - see V. 2:2).

Indonesia transalation

Diwajibkan atas kamu, apabila maut hendak menjemput seseorang di antara kamu, jika dia meninggalkan harta, berwasiat untuk kedua orang tua dan karib kerabat dengan cara yang baik, (sebagai) kewajiban bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa.

Page 27 English transliteration

⚠️Disclaimer: there's no literal translation to Allah's holy words, but we translate the meaning.
We try our best to translate, keeping in mind the Italian saying: "Traduttore, traditore", which means: "Translation is a betrayal of the original text".

Kutiba AAalaykum itha hadara ahadakumu almawtu in taraka khayran alwasiyyatu lilwalidayni wal-aqrabeena translate in arabic

كتب عليكم إذا حضر أحدكم الموت إن ترك خيرا الوصية للوالدين والأقربين بالمعروف حقا على المتقين

سورة: البقرة - آية: ( 180 )  - جزء: ( 2 )  -  صفحة: ( 27 )

Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(2:180) It has been prescribed for you that when death approaches one of you and he is leaving some property behind him, he should bequeath it equitably for his parents and relatives : it is an obligation on those who fear AIIah. *182

Kutiba `alaikum izaa hadara ahadakumul mawtu in taraka khairanil wasiyyatu lilwaalidaini wal aqrabeena bilma`roofi haqqan `alalmut taqeen

*182). This injunction relates to a period of time when no rules had been laid down for the distribution of inheritance. Thus everyone was required to make testamentary disposal of their property so as to ensure that no disputes arose in the family and no legitimate claimant to inheritance was deprived of his due share. Later when God revealed a set of laws regarding the distribution of inheritance (see Qur'an 4: 11 ff.), the Prophet elucidated further the laws relating to testamentary disposition and inheritance by expounding two rules.
First, that no person can make any will regarding his estate in favour of any of his legal heirs. Their portions were laid down in the Qur'an and neither increase nor decrease in this was permissible, nor could any heir be disinherited, nor anything willed in favour of any heir over and above his legal portion. (See the Tradition: 'There may be no will in favour of the heir.' See Abu Da'ud, 'Al-Wasaya', 6; Tirmidhi, 'Al-Wasaya', 5; Nasa'i, 'Al-Wasaya', 5; Ibn Majah, 'Al-Wasaya', 5 - Ed.)
Second, that testamentary disposition might be made to the extent of one third of the estate, but no more. (See Bukhari, 'Al-Wasaya', 2 and 3; Muslim, 'Al-Wasiyah', 5-10; Abu Da'ud, 'Al-Wasaya', 2 - Ed.)
The purpose underlying these explanatory directives of the Prophet seems to be that at least two-thirds of the estate should be left aside to be distributed among the legal heirs according to the Qur'anic rules, and that a will could be made in respect of the whole or part of the remaining one-third. This could be made in favour of either relatives, whether close or distant, who are not legal heirs, or others not related by the blood-tie but who are deserving of assistance. Likewise, a will could be made in favour of charitable causes which are found worthy of support.
In later times people began to regard this directive regarding testamentary disposal as a recommendation only. The result was that this rule fell largely into disuse. It is significant, however, that the Qur'an mentions it as 'an obligation on the God-fearing'. Were Muslims to make this injunction an operative institution no trace would remain of the problems which agitate their minds respecting the Islamic law of inheritance , for example grandchildren whose parents had predeceased their paternal or maternal grandparents and who, under Islamic law, were not entitled to inherit from their grandparents. (The author suggests that re-activating the Qur'anic directive on testamentary disposal is the answer to this and similar problems - Ed.)

Ayats from Quran in English

Quran surahs in English :

Al-Baqarah Al-'Imran An-Nisa'
Al-Ma'idah Yusuf Ibrahim
Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
Al-Hajj Al-Qasas Al-'Ankabut
As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

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