surah Muminun aya 103 , English translation of the meaning Ayah.

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English Translation of the Meanings by Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali , Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International : surah Muminun aya 103 in arabic text(The Believers).

﴿وَمَنْ خَفَّتْ مَوَازِينُهُ فَأُولَٰئِكَ الَّذِينَ خَسِرُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ فِي جَهَنَّمَ خَالِدُونَ﴾
[ المؤمنون: 103]

English - Sahih International

23:103 But those whose scales are light - those are the ones who have lost their souls, [being] in Hell, abiding eternally.

Tafsir Ibn Katheer in English
Abridged Explanation of the Quran

And whoever’s scales are light because of his bad deeds outweighing his good deeds, those are the ones who have wasted themselves by doing that which is harmful to them, i.
, disbelief and sins, and leaving faith and good actions that were beneficial for them.
They will be in the fire of hell forever and will not come out of it.

Muhammad Taqiud-Din alHilali

And those whose scales (of good deeds) are light, they are those who lose their ownselves, in Hell will they abide.

phonetic Transliteration

Waman khaffat mawazeenuhu faolaika allatheena khasiroo anfusahum fee jahannama khalidoona

Abdullah Yusuf Ali - Translation

But those whose balance is light, will be those who have lost their souls, in Hell will they abide.

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

And those whose Scales (of good deeds) are light, they are those who lose themselves, in Hell will they abide.

Page 348 English transliteration

⚠️Disclaimer: there's no literal translation to Allah's holy words, but we translate the meaning.
We try our best to translate, keeping in mind the Italian saying: "Traduttore, traditore", which means: "Translation is a betrayal of the original text".

23:103 But those whose scales are light - those are the ones who translate in arabic

ومن خفت موازينه فأولئك الذين خسروا أنفسهم في جهنم خالدون

سورة: المؤمنون - آية: ( 103 )  - جزء: ( 18 )  -  صفحة: ( 348 )

Almuntakhab Fi Tafsir Alquran Alkarim

And he whose inequities surpass in weight on one scale of the balance shall he and such persons be losers. Their iniquities and unjust treatment of Our revelations and signs have lost them their souls

Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(23:103) and those, whose scales will be light, will be the people who made themselves liable to loss *96 they shall abide in Hell for ever.

But those whose scales are light - those are the ones who meaning

*96) For the criterion of "success" and "failure" in the Hereafter, please refer to E.N.'s 1 and 50 above.

But those whose scales are light - those are the ones who meaning in Urdu

اور جن کے پلڑے ہلکے ہوں گے وہی لوگ ہوں گے جنہوں نے اپنے آپ کو گھاٹے میں ڈال لیا وہ جہنم میں ہمیشہ رہیں گے

listen to Verse 103 from Muminun 23:103

English Türkçe Indonesia
Русский Français فارسی
تفسير Bengali اعراب

Ayats from Quran in English

  1. The foolish among the people will say, "What has turned them away from their qiblah,
  2. [They are] those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while they think that they
  3. And [there are] others deferred until the command of Allah - whether He will punish
  4. Say, "It is He who has multiplied you throughout the earth, and to Him you
  5. And [recall] when Moses prayed for water for his people, so We said, "Strike with
  6. And that He might make evident those who are hypocrites. For it was said to
  7. And those with excuses among the bedouins came to be permitted [to remain], and they
  8. And We will have removed whatever is within their breasts of resentment, [while] flowing beneath
  9. And you do not resent us except because we believed in the signs of our
  10. Circulated among them will be plates and vessels of gold. And therein is whatever the

Quran surahs in English :

Al-Baqarah Al-'Imran An-Nisa'
Al-Ma'idah Yusuf Ibrahim
Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
Al-Hajj Al-Qasas Al-'Ankabut
As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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