surah Al Fath aya 2 , English translation of the meaning Ayah.

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English Translation of the Meanings by Muhammad Muhsin Khan and Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali , Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International : surah Al Fath aya 2 in arabic text(The Victory).

﴿لِّيَغْفِرَ لَكَ اللَّهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِن ذَنبِكَ وَمَا تَأَخَّرَ وَيُتِمَّ نِعْمَتَهُ عَلَيْكَ وَيَهْدِيَكَ صِرَاطًا مُّسْتَقِيمًا﴾
[ الفتح: 2]

English - Sahih International

48:2 That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and what will follow and complete His favor upon you and guide you to a straight path

Tafsir Ibn Katheer in English
Abridged Explanation of the Quran

So that Allah may forgive you for your sins before this victory and after it and complete His favour on you by assisting your religion and guiding you to a straight path, in which there is no crookedness, which is the straight path of Islam.

Muhammad Taqiud-Din alHilali

That Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and the future, and complete His Favour on you, and guide you on the Straight Path;

phonetic Transliteration

Liyaghfira laka Allahu ma taqaddama min thanbika wama taakhkhara wayutimma niAAmatahu AAalayka wayahdiyaka siratan mustaqeeman

Abdullah Yusuf Ali - Translation

That Allah may forgive thee thy faults of the past and those to follow; fulfil His favour to thee; and guide thee on the Straight Way;

Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpuri

That Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and the future, and complete His favor on you, and guide you on the straight path,

Page 511 English transliteration

⚠️Disclaimer: there's no literal translation to Allah's holy words, but we translate the meaning.
We try our best to translate, keeping in mind the Italian saying: "Traduttore, traditore", which means: "Translation is a betrayal of the original text".

48:2 That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and translate in arabic

ليغفر لك الله ما تقدم من ذنبك وما تأخر ويتم نعمته عليك ويهديك صراطا مستقيما

سورة: الفتح - آية: ( 2 )  - جزء: ( 26 )  -  صفحة: ( 511 )

Almuntakhab Fi Tafsir Alquran Alkarim

As a logical inference, Allah forgives you all your faults of the past and also those to come, and complements His bounty and munificence on you and guides you to the path of safety and righteousness

Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(48:2) so that Allah may forgive you your shortcomings, whether earlier or later, *2 and may complete His favours upon you *3 and guide you to the Straight Way, *4

That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and meaning

*2) If the context in which this sentence occurs is kept in view, one will certainly feel that the faults referred to here imply those shortcomings and weaknesses that had remained in the struggle that the Muslims had been making for the success and victory of Islam, under the leadership of the Holy Prophet, for the past nineteen years or so. These shortcomings are not known to any one because the intellect is absolutely helpless to find out any weakness in that struggle. But according to the highest standards of perfection in the sight of Allah there had remained some such weakness in it because of which the Muslims could not attain a decisive victory so soon over the pagans of Arabia. What AIlah means to say is this: 'If you had carried on your struggle along with those weaknesses, it would have taken you much longer to subdue Arabia, but We have overlooked all those weaknesses and shortcomings and compensated for them only through Our grace, and opened for you at Hudaibiyah the door to victory and conquest which you could not have achieved only by your ordinary endeavors" . Here, this thing also should be understood well that for the weaknesses that might occur and remain in the struggle and endeavor that a group might be making for an object, the leader and guide of the group only is addressed. This does not mean that the weaknesses are the leader's personal weaknesses. Those are, in fact, the weaknesses of the struggle that the group is making as a whole; but the address is made to the leader to tell him that his work suffers from such and such a weakness. However, as the address is directed to the Holy Prophet and declared that AIIah has forgiven him all his former and latter faults, the general words also give this meaning that Allah pardoned all the shortcomings (which were the shortcomings in view of his high position) of His Holy Messenger. That is why when the Companions saw that he took extraordinary pains over his worship, they would say: `Why do you subject yourself to such hardships when alI your former and latter errors and shortcomings have been pardoned ?" the Holy Prophet would reply: "Should I not behave as a grateful servant ?" (Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Da'ud).
*3) "Perfection of his blessings" implies that the Muslims should become wholly free to live their lives in accordance with Islamic civilization, Islamic law and commandments, secure from every fear, every resistance and every external interference, and they should also be blessed with the power that they may uphold Allah's Word throughout the world. Dominance of disbelief and wickedness which may be a hindrance in the way of Allah's worship and an obstacle in the struggle in propagating Allah's Word, is the greatest calamity for the believers; the Qur'an calls it 'fitnah " (mischief). Delivered and freed from this calamity when they arc able to achieve an abode of Islam (dare/-Islam) in which the Divine Religion is enforced in its entirety, and along with that they are also provided with the means and resources by which they may establish faith and righteousness on Allah's earth in place of disbelief and wickedness, this would be the perfection of Allah's blessing on them. As this blessing was achieved by the Muslims only through the Holy Prophet, AIIah addressed only him and said: "We willed to complete Our blessing on you; therefore we have granted this victory to you."
*4) 'The right way": the way to conquest and success. In other words, it implies that by causing the treaty to be concluded at Hudaibiyah AIIah paved the way for and inspired the Holy Prophet with the plan by which he could subdue aII the forces that were resisting Islam.

That Allah may forgive for you what preceded of your sin and meaning in Urdu

تاکہ اللہ تمہاری اگلی پچھلی ہر کوتاہی سے درگزر فرمائے اور تم پر اپنی نعمت کی تکمیل کر دے اور تمہیں سیدھا راستہ دکھائے

listen to Verse 2 from Al Fath 48:2

English Türkçe Indonesia
Русский Français فارسی
تفسير Bengali اعراب

Ayats from Quran in English

Quran surahs in English :

Al-Baqarah Al-'Imran An-Nisa'
Al-Ma'idah Yusuf Ibrahim
Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
Al-Hajj Al-Qasas Al-'Ankabut
As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

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