Surah Ash-Shu'ara' | from the moshaf in arabic uthmani
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English translation of the meaning Page No 376
Sura Al-Shu'ara from 207 to 227
207. All that with which they used to enjoy shall not avail them.
208. And never did We destroy a township but it had its warners
209. By way of reminder, and We have never been unjust.
210. And it is not the Shayâtîn ( devils ) who have brought it ( this Qur’ân ) down.
211. Neither would it suit them, nor they can ( produce it ) .
212. Verily, they have been removed far from hearing it.
213. So invoke not with Allâh another ilâh ( god ) lest you should be among those who receive punishment.
214. And warn your tribe ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) of near kindred. [ 1 ]
215. And be kind and humble to the believers who follow you.
216. Then if they disobey you, say: « I am innocent of what you do. »
217. And put your trust in the All- Mighty, the Most Merciful,
218. Who sees you ( O Muhammad ( saas ) ) when you stand up ( alone at night for Tahajjud prayers ) .
219. And your movements among those who fall prostrate ( to Allâh in the five compulsory congregational prayers ) .
220. Verily He, only He, is the All- Hearer, the All- Knower.
221. Shall I inform you ( O people! ) upon whom the Shayâtîn ( devils ) descend?
222. They descend on every lying, sinful person.
223. Who gives ear ( to the devils and they pour what they may have heard of the Unseen from the angels ) , and most of them are liars.
224. As for the poets, the erring ones follow them,
225. See you not that they speak about every subject ( praising people - right or wrong ) in their poetry?
226. And that they say what they do not do.
227. Except those who believe ( in the Oneness of Allâh - Islâmic Monotheism ) and do righteous deeds, and remember Allâh much, and vindicate themselves after they have been wronged [ by replying back in poetry to the unjust poetry ( which the pagan poets utter against the Muslims ) ] . And those who do wrong will come to know by what overturning they will be overturned.
[1] (V.26:214) Narrated Ibn ‘Abbâs (raa): When the Verse: "And warn your tribe (O Muhammad (saas)) of near kindred." (V.26:214) was revealed, Allâh’s Messenger (saas) went out, and when he had ascended As-Safa mountain, he shouted, "Yâ Sabâhâh!*" The people said, "Who is that?" "Then they gathered around him, whereupon he said, "Do you see? If I inform you that cavalrymen are proceeding up the side of this mountain, will you believe me?" They said, "We have never heard you telling a lie." Then he said, "I am a plain warner to you of a coming severe punishment." Abû Lahab said: "May you perish! You gathered us only for this reason?" Then Abû Lahab went away. So Sûrat Al-Masad "Perish the hands of Abû Lahab!" (V.111:1) was revealed. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol.6, Hadîth No.495).
* « Yâ Sabâhâh! » is an Arabic expression used when one appeals for help or draws the attention of others to some danger.
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