surah Baqarah aya 65 , English transliteration & translation of the meaning Ayah.

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English Transliteration & Translation of the Meanings by Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din al-Hilali , Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International : surah Baqarah aya 65 in arabic text(The Cow).
Verse 65 from Al-Baqarah in Arabic

﴿وَلَقَدْ عَلِمْتُمُ الَّذِينَ اعْتَدَوْا مِنكُمْ فِي السَّبْتِ فَقُلْنَا لَهُمْ كُونُوا قِرَدَةً خَاسِئِينَ﴾
[ البقرة: 65]

Walaqad AAalimtumu allatheena iAAtadaw minkum fee assabti faqulna lahum koonoo qiradatan khasi-een

transliterasi Indonesia

wa laqad 'alimtumullażīna'tadau mingkum fis-sabti fa qulnā lahum kụnụ qiradatan khāsi`īn

English translation of the meaning

And you had already known about those who transgressed among you concerning the sabbath, and We said to them, "Be apes, despised."

Surah Al-Baqarah Full

Wa Laqad `Alimtumu Al-Ladhina A`tadaw Minkum Fi As-Sabti Faqulna Lahum Kunu Qiradatan Khasi`ina

Walaqad AAalimtumu allatheena iAAtadaw minkum fee alssabti faqulna lahum koonoo qiradatan khasieena

Walaqad AAalimtumu allatheena iAAtadaw minkum fee assabti faqulna lahum koonoo qiradatan khasi-een - meaning

English Français Indonesia
Bengali Hindi Urdu
Русский تفسير فارسی

listen to ayat 65 from Baqarah phonetique

Turkish: ayet nasıl okunur

veleḳad `alimtümü-lleẕîne-`tedev minküm fi-ssebti feḳulnâ lehüm kûnû ḳiradeten ḫâsiîn.

Walaqad AAalimtumu allatheena iAAtadaw minkum fee assabti faqulna lahum koonoo qiradatan khasi-een meaning in urdu

پھر تمہیں اپنی قوم کے اُن لوگوں کا قصہ تو معلوم ہی ہے جنہوں نے سبت کا قانون توڑا تھا ہم نے انہیں کہہ دیا کہ بندر بن جاؤ اور اس حال میں رہو کہ ہر طرف سے تم پر دھتکار پھٹکار پڑے

Muhammad Taqiud-Din alHilali

And indeed you knew those amongst you who transgressed in the matter of the Sabbath (i.e. Saturday). We said to them: "Be you monkeys, despised and rejected."

Indonesia transalation

Dan sungguh, kamu telah mengetahui orang-orang yang melakukan pelanggaran di antara kamu pada hari Sabat, lalu Kami katakan kepada mereka, “Jadilah kamu kera yang hina!”

Page 10 English transliteration

⚠️Disclaimer: there's no literal translation to Allah's holy words, but we translate the meaning.
We try our best to translate, keeping in mind the Italian saying: "Traduttore, traditore", which means: "Translation is a betrayal of the original text".

Walaqad AAalimtumu allatheena iAAtadaw minkum fee assabti faqulna lahum koonoo qiradatan khasi-een translate in arabic

ولقد علمتم الذين اعتدوا منكم في السبت فقلنا لهم كونوا قردة خاسئين

سورة: البقرة - آية: ( 65 )  - جزء: ( 1 )  -  صفحة: ( 10 )

Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(2:65) And you know well the story of those among you who broke Sabbath. *82 We said to them, "Be apes *83 despised and hated by all.

Wa laqad `alimtumul lazeena`-tadaw minkum fis Sabti faqulnaa lahum koonoo qiradatan khaasi`een

*82). Sabbath, i.e., Saturday . Itwas laid down that the Israelite should consecrate that day for rest and worship. They were required to from abstain from all worldly acts, including cooking (which they mightneither do themselves, nor have their servants do for them). The injunctions, in this connection wereso strict that violation of the Sabath was to be punished with death. (See Exodus 31:12-17. ) When religious and moral decadence, however, spread among the Israelites they indulged in open desecration of the Sabbath, so much so that in jewish towns trade and commerce were carried out in broad daylight.
*83). The details of this incident are mentioned later in Surah 7, vv. 163 ff. The exact manner in which their transformation into apes took place is disputed. Some scholars are of the opinion that the transformation was a physical one, while others hold that they were invested with the attributes characteristic of apes. But both the words and the manner in which this incident is recounted in the Qur'ain seem to suggest that what took place was a physical transformation of certain persons into apes rather than just a moral metamorphosis. What seems plausible to me is that while their minds were allowed to remain intact, their bodies were changed into those of apes.

Ayats from Quran in English

  1. Huwa al-awwalu wal-akhiru waththahiru walbatinu wahuwa bikulli shay-in AAaleem
  2. Fadarabna AAala athanihim fee alkahfi sineena AAadada
  3. Saasrifu AAan ayatiya allatheena yatakabbaroona fee al-ardi bighayri alhaqqi wa-in yaraw kulla ayatin la yu'minoo
  4. Illa tathkiratan liman yakhsha
  5. Sawaon minkum man asarra alqawla waman jahara bihi waman huwa mustakhfin billayli wasaribun binnahar
  6. Alam tara ila allatheena kharajoo min diyarihim wahum oloofun hathara almawti faqala lahumu Allahu mootoo
  7. Inna firAAawna AAala fee al-ardi wajaAAala ahlaha shiyaAAan yastadAAifu ta-ifatan minhum yuthabbihu abnaahum wayastahyee nisaahum
  8. Athumma itha ma waqaAAa amantum bihi al-ana waqad kuntum bihi tastaAAjiloon
  9. Waarsala AAalayhim tayran ababeel
  10. Atta-iboona alAAabidoona alhamidoona assa-ihoona arrakiAAoona assajidoona al-amiroona bilmaAAroofi wannahoona AAani almunkari walhafithoona lihudoodi Allahi wabashshiri

Quran surahs in English :

Al-Baqarah Al-'Imran An-Nisa'
Al-Ma'idah Yusuf Ibrahim
Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
Al-Hajj Al-Qasas Al-'Ankabut
As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

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