Quran 90:20 Surah Al Balad ayat 20 Tafsir Ibn Katheer in English
﴿عَلَيْهِمْ نَارٌ مُّؤْصَدَةٌ﴾
[ البلد: 20]
90:20 Over them will be fire closed in.
Surah Al-Balad in ArabicTafsir Surah Al Balad ayat 20
Al-Jalalayn | Muntakhab | Ibn Kathir |
Maududi | Maarif Quran | tafsir Bangla |
تفسير الآية | Indonesia | tafsir Urdu |
Quran 90:20 Tafsir Al-Jalalayn
Over them will be an enclosing Fire read mu’sada or mūsada closed on top of them.
Almuntakhab Fi Tafsir Alquran Alkarim
Who are destined to be exposed to a perpetual fire in closed cells where there is no escape and of all hope they are bereft
Quran 90:20 Tafsir Ibn Kathir
The Encouragement to traverse upon the Path of Goodness
Ibn Zayd said,
فَلاَ اقتَحَمَ الْعَقَبَةَ
( But he has not attempted to pass on the path that is steep. ) "This means, will he not traverse upon the path which contains salvation and good Then He explains this path by his saying,
وَمَآ أَدْرَاكَ مَا الْعَقَبَةُ - فَكُّ رَقَبَةٍ أَوْ إِطْعَامٌ
( And what will make you know the path that is steep Freeing a neck, or giving food. )" Imam Ahmad recorded from Sa`id bin Marjanah that he heard Abu Hurayrah saying that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,
«مَنْ أَعْتَقَ رَقَبَةً مُؤمِنَةً أَعْتَقَ اللهُ بِكُلِّ إِرْبٍ أَيْ عُضْوٍ مِنْهَا إِرْبًا مِنْهُ مِنَ النَّارِ حَتْى إِنَّهُ لَيُعْتِقُ بِالْيَدِ الْيَدَ، وَبِالرِّجْلِ الرِّجْلَ، وَبِالْفَرْجِ الْفَرْج»
( Whoever frees a believing slave, Allah will free for every limb (of the slave ) one of his limbs from the Fire.
This is to such an extent that He ( Allah ) will free a hand for a hand, a leg for a leg, and a private part for a private part.) `Ali bin Al-Husayn then said ( to Sa`id ), "Did you hear this from Abu Hurayrah" Sa`id replied, "Yes." Then `Ali bin Al-Husayn said to a slave boy that he owned who was the swiftest of his servants, "Call Mutarrif!" So when the slave was brought before him he said, "Go, for you are free for the Face of Allah." Al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i, all recorded this Hadith from Sa`id bin Marjanah.
Imam Ahmad recorded from `Amr bin `Abasah that the Prophet said,
«مَنْ بَنَى مَسْجِدًا لِيُذْكَرَ اللْهُ فِيهِ بَنَى اللْهُ لَهُ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ وَمَنْ أَعْتَقَ نَفْسًا مُسْلِمَةً كَانَتْ فِدْيَتَهُ مِنْ جَهَنَّمَ وَمَنْ شَابَ شَيْبَةً فِي الْإِسْلَامِ كَانَتْ لَهُ نُورًا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَة»
( Whoever builds a Masjid so that Allah may be remembered in it, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise; and whoever frees a Muslim person, then it will be his ransom from Hell; and whoever grows grey in Islam, then it will be a light for him on the Day of Judgement. ) According to another route of transmission, Ahmad recorded from Abu Umamah, who reported from `Amr bin `Abasah that As-Sulami said to him, "Narrate a Hadith to us that you heard from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, without any deficiency or mistakes." He ( `Amr ) said, "I heard him saying,
«مَنْ وُلِدَ لَهُ ثَلَاثَةُ أَوْلَادٍ فِي الْإِسْلَامِ فَمَاتُوا قَبْلَ أَنْ يَبْلُغُوا الْحِنْثَ أَدْخَلَهُ اللهُ الْجَنَّةَ بِفَضْلِ رَحْمَتِهِ إِيَّاهُمْ، وَمَنْ شَابَ شَيْبَةً فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ كَانَتْ لَهُ نُورًا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ، وَمَنْ رَمَى بِسَهْم فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ بَلَغَ بِهِ الْعَدُوَّ أَصَابَ أَوْ أَخْطَأَ كَانَ لَهُ عِتْقُ رَقَبَةٍ، وَمَنْ أَعْتَقَ رَقَبَةً مُؤْمِنَـةً أَعْتَقَ اللهُ بِكُلِّ عُضْوٍ مِنْهُ عُضْوًا مِنْهُ مِنَ النَّارِ، وَمَنْ أَنْفَقَ زَوْجَيْنِ فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ فَإِنَّ لِلْجَنَّةِ ثَمَانِيَةَ أَبْوَابٍ يُدْخِلُهُ اللهُ مِنْ أَيِّ بَابٍ شَاءَ مِنْهَا»
( Whoever has three children born to him in Islam, and they die before reaching the age of puberty, Allah will enter him into Paradise by virtue of His mercy to them.
And whoever grows gray in the way of Allah (fighting Jihad ), then it will be a light for him on the Day of Judgement.
And whoever shoots an arrow in the way of Allah ( fighting Jihad ) that reaches the enemy, whether it hits or misses, he will get the reward of freeing a slave.
And whoever frees a believing slave, then Allah will free each of his limbs from the Fire for every limb that the slave has.
And whoever equipped two riding animals in the way of Allah ( for fighting Jihad ), then indeed Paradise has eight gates, and Allah will allow him to enter any of them he choses.)" Ahmad recorded this Hadith from different routes of transmission that are good and strong, and all praise is due to Allah.Allah said,
أَوْ إِطْعَامٌ فِى يَوْمٍ ذِى مَسْغَبَةٍ
( Or giving food in a day full of Masghabah, ) Ibn `Abbas said, "Of hunger." `Ikrimah, Mujahid, Ad-Dahhak, Qatadah and others all said the same.
The word `Saghb' means hunger.
Then Allah says,
( To an orphan ) meaning, he gives food on a day like this to an orphan.
ذَا مَقْرَبَةٍ
( near of kin. ) meaning, who is related to him.
Ibn `Abbas, `Ikrimah, Al-Hasan, Ad-Dahhak and As-Suddi all said this.
This is similar to what was related in a Hadith that was collected by Imam Ahmad on the authority of Salman bin `Amir who said that he heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say,
«الصَّدَقَةُ عَلَى الْمِسْكِينِ صَدَقَةٌ وَعَلَى ذِي الرَّحِمِ اثْنَتَانِ: صَدَقَةٌ وَصِلَة»
( Charity given to the poor person is counted as one charity, while if it is given to a relative it is counted as two: charity and connecting the ties (of kinship ).) At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i both recorded this Hadith and its chain of narration is authentic.
Then Allah says,
أَوْ مِسْكِيناً ذَا مَتْرَبَةٍ
( Or to a Miskin cleaving to dust (Dha Matrabah ).) meaning, poor, miserable, and clinging to the dirt.
It means those who are in a state of destitution.
Ibn `Abbas said, "Dha Matrabah is that who is dejected in the street and who has no house or anything else to protect him against the dirt." Allah said;
ثُمَّ كَانَ مِنَ الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ
( Then he became one of those who believed ) meaning, then, along with these beautiful and pure characteristics, he was a believer in his heart, seeking the reward of that from Allah.
This is as Allah says,
وَمَنْ أَرَادَ الاٌّخِرَةَ وَسَعَى لَهَا سَعْيَهَا وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَأُولَـئِكَ كَانَ سَعْيُهُم مَّشْكُورًا
( And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it, with the necessary effort due for it while he is believer, then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated. ) ( 17:19 ) Allah also says,
مَنْ عَمِلَ صَـلِحاً مِّن ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنْثَى وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ
( Whoever works righteousness -- whether male or female -- while being a true believer.... ) ( 16:97 ) Allah says,
وَتَوَاصَوْاْ بِالصَّبْرِ وَتَوَاصَوْاْ بِالْمَرْحَمَةِ
( and recommended one another to patience, and recommended one another to compassion. ) meaning, he was from the believers who worked righteous deeds, and advised each other to be patient with the harms of the people, and to be merciful with them.
This is similar to what has been related in the noble Hadith,
«الرَّاحِمُونَ يَرْحَمُهُمُ الرَّحْمنُ، ارْحَمُوا مَنْ فِي الْأَرْضِ يَرْحَمْكُمْ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاء»
( The merciful people will be treated with mercy by the Most Merciful (Allah ).
Be merciful to those who are on the earth and He Who is above the heavens will be merciful to you.) In another Hadith he said,
«لَا يَرْحَمُ اللهُ مَنْ لَا يَرْحَمِ النَّاس»
( Allah will not be merciful with whoever is not merciful with the people. ) Abu Dawud recorded from `Abdullah bin `Amr that he narrated ( from the Prophet ),
«مَنْ لَمْ يَرْحَمْ صَغِيرَنَا وَيَعْرِفْ حَقَّ كَبِيرِنَا فَلَيْسَ مِنَّا»
( Whoever does not show mercy to our children, nor does he recognize the right of our elders, then he is not of us. ) Then Allah says,
أُوْلَـئِكَ أَصْحَـبُ الْمَيْمَنَةِ
( They are those on the Right, ) meaning, those who have these characteristics are the companions of the Right Hand.
The Companions of the Left Hand and Their Recompense
Then Allah says,
وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بِـَايَـتِنَا هُمْ أَصْحَـبُ الْمَشْـَمَةِ
( But those who disbelieved in Our Ayat, they are those on the Left. ) meaning, the companions of the Left Hand.
عَلَيْهِمْ نَارٌ مُّؤْصَدَةُ
( Upon them Fire will Mu'sadah. ) meaning, it will be sealed over them and there will be no way for them to avoid it, nor will they have any way out.
Abu Hurayrah, Ibn `Abbas, `Ikrimah, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Mujahid, Muhammad bin Ka`b Al-Qurazi, `Atiyah Al-`Awfi, Al-Hasan, Qatadah and As-Suddi, all said,
( Mu'sadah. ) "This means shut." Ibn `Abbas said, "Its doors will be closed." Ad-Dahhak said,
( Mu'sadah. ) "It will be sealed over them and it will have no door." Qatadah said,
( Mu'sadah. ) "It will be shut and there will be no light in it, no crevice ( escape ), and no way out of it forever." This is the end of the Tafsir of Surat Al-Balad, and all praise and blessings are due to Allah.
Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi
(90:20) Upon them shall be a Fire that will hem them in. *16
Over them will be fire closed in. meaning
*16) That is, fire will be so covering them from every side that they will find no way of escape from it.
Tafsir Maarif-ul-Quran Mufti Muhammad Shafi
The Encouragement to traverse upon the Path of Goodness
Ibn Zayd said,
فَلاَ اقتَحَمَ الْعَقَبَةَ
( But he has not attempted to pass on the path that is steep. ) "This means, will he not traverse upon the path which contains salvation and good Then He explains this path by his saying,
وَمَآ أَدْرَاكَ مَا الْعَقَبَةُ - فَكُّ رَقَبَةٍ أَوْ إِطْعَامٌ
( And what will make you know the path that is steep Freeing a neck, or giving food. )" Imam Ahmad recorded from Sa`id bin Marjanah that he heard Abu Hurayrah saying that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said,
«مَنْ أَعْتَقَ رَقَبَةً مُؤمِنَةً أَعْتَقَ اللهُ بِكُلِّ إِرْبٍ أَيْ عُضْوٍ مِنْهَا إِرْبًا مِنْهُ مِنَ النَّارِ حَتْى إِنَّهُ لَيُعْتِقُ بِالْيَدِ الْيَدَ، وَبِالرِّجْلِ الرِّجْلَ، وَبِالْفَرْجِ الْفَرْج»
( Whoever frees a believing slave, Allah will free for every limb (of the slave ) one of his limbs from the Fire.
This is to such an extent that He ( Allah ) will free a hand for a hand, a leg for a leg, and a private part for a private part.) `Ali bin Al-Husayn then said ( to Sa`id ), "Did you hear this from Abu Hurayrah" Sa`id replied, "Yes." Then `Ali bin Al-Husayn said to a slave boy that he owned who was the swiftest of his servants, "Call Mutarrif!" So when the slave was brought before him he said, "Go, for you are free for the Face of Allah." Al-Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i, all recorded this Hadith from Sa`id bin Marjanah.
Imam Ahmad recorded from `Amr bin `Abasah that the Prophet said,
«مَنْ بَنَى مَسْجِدًا لِيُذْكَرَ اللْهُ فِيهِ بَنَى اللْهُ لَهُ بَيْتًا فِي الْجَنَّةِ وَمَنْ أَعْتَقَ نَفْسًا مُسْلِمَةً كَانَتْ فِدْيَتَهُ مِنْ جَهَنَّمَ وَمَنْ شَابَ شَيْبَةً فِي الْإِسْلَامِ كَانَتْ لَهُ نُورًا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَة»
( Whoever builds a Masjid so that Allah may be remembered in it, Allah will build a house for him in Paradise; and whoever frees a Muslim person, then it will be his ransom from Hell; and whoever grows grey in Islam, then it will be a light for him on the Day of Judgement. ) According to another route of transmission, Ahmad recorded from Abu Umamah, who reported from `Amr bin `Abasah that As-Sulami said to him, "Narrate a Hadith to us that you heard from the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, without any deficiency or mistakes." He ( `Amr ) said, "I heard him saying,
«مَنْ وُلِدَ لَهُ ثَلَاثَةُ أَوْلَادٍ فِي الْإِسْلَامِ فَمَاتُوا قَبْلَ أَنْ يَبْلُغُوا الْحِنْثَ أَدْخَلَهُ اللهُ الْجَنَّةَ بِفَضْلِ رَحْمَتِهِ إِيَّاهُمْ، وَمَنْ شَابَ شَيْبَةً فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ كَانَتْ لَهُ نُورًا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ، وَمَنْ رَمَى بِسَهْم فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ بَلَغَ بِهِ الْعَدُوَّ أَصَابَ أَوْ أَخْطَأَ كَانَ لَهُ عِتْقُ رَقَبَةٍ، وَمَنْ أَعْتَقَ رَقَبَةً مُؤْمِنَـةً أَعْتَقَ اللهُ بِكُلِّ عُضْوٍ مِنْهُ عُضْوًا مِنْهُ مِنَ النَّارِ، وَمَنْ أَنْفَقَ زَوْجَيْنِ فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ فَإِنَّ لِلْجَنَّةِ ثَمَانِيَةَ أَبْوَابٍ يُدْخِلُهُ اللهُ مِنْ أَيِّ بَابٍ شَاءَ مِنْهَا»
( Whoever has three children born to him in Islam, and they die before reaching the age of puberty, Allah will enter him into Paradise by virtue of His mercy to them.
And whoever grows gray in the way of Allah (fighting Jihad ), then it will be a light for him on the Day of Judgement.
And whoever shoots an arrow in the way of Allah ( fighting Jihad ) that reaches the enemy, whether it hits or misses, he will get the reward of freeing a slave.
And whoever frees a believing slave, then Allah will free each of his limbs from the Fire for every limb that the slave has.
And whoever equipped two riding animals in the way of Allah ( for fighting Jihad ), then indeed Paradise has eight gates, and Allah will allow him to enter any of them he choses.)" Ahmad recorded this Hadith from different routes of transmission that are good and strong, and all praise is due to Allah.Allah said,
أَوْ إِطْعَامٌ فِى يَوْمٍ ذِى مَسْغَبَةٍ
( Or giving food in a day full of Masghabah, ) Ibn `Abbas said, "Of hunger." `Ikrimah, Mujahid, Ad-Dahhak, Qatadah and others all said the same.
The word `Saghb' means hunger.
Then Allah says,
( To an orphan ) meaning, he gives food on a day like this to an orphan.
ذَا مَقْرَبَةٍ
( near of kin. ) meaning, who is related to him.
Ibn `Abbas, `Ikrimah, Al-Hasan, Ad-Dahhak and As-Suddi all said this.
This is similar to what was related in a Hadith that was collected by Imam Ahmad on the authority of Salman bin `Amir who said that he heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say,
«الصَّدَقَةُ عَلَى الْمِسْكِينِ صَدَقَةٌ وَعَلَى ذِي الرَّحِمِ اثْنَتَانِ: صَدَقَةٌ وَصِلَة»
( Charity given to the poor person is counted as one charity, while if it is given to a relative it is counted as two: charity and connecting the ties (of kinship ).) At-Tirmidhi and An-Nasa'i both recorded this Hadith and its chain of narration is authentic.
Then Allah says,
أَوْ مِسْكِيناً ذَا مَتْرَبَةٍ
( Or to a Miskin cleaving to dust (Dha Matrabah ).) meaning, poor, miserable, and clinging to the dirt.
It means those who are in a state of destitution.
Ibn `Abbas said, "Dha Matrabah is that who is dejected in the street and who has no house or anything else to protect him against the dirt." Allah said;
ثُمَّ كَانَ مِنَ الَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ
( Then he became one of those who believed ) meaning, then, along with these beautiful and pure characteristics, he was a believer in his heart, seeking the reward of that from Allah.
This is as Allah says,
وَمَنْ أَرَادَ الاٌّخِرَةَ وَسَعَى لَهَا سَعْيَهَا وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَأُولَـئِكَ كَانَ سَعْيُهُم مَّشْكُورًا
( And whoever desires the Hereafter and strives for it, with the necessary effort due for it while he is believer, then such are the ones whose striving shall be appreciated. ) ( 17:19 ) Allah also says,
مَنْ عَمِلَ صَـلِحاً مِّن ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنْثَى وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ
( Whoever works righteousness -- whether male or female -- while being a true believer.... ) ( 16:97 ) Allah says,
وَتَوَاصَوْاْ بِالصَّبْرِ وَتَوَاصَوْاْ بِالْمَرْحَمَةِ
( and recommended one another to patience, and recommended one another to compassion. ) meaning, he was from the believers who worked righteous deeds, and advised each other to be patient with the harms of the people, and to be merciful with them.
This is similar to what has been related in the noble Hadith,
«الرَّاحِمُونَ يَرْحَمُهُمُ الرَّحْمنُ، ارْحَمُوا مَنْ فِي الْأَرْضِ يَرْحَمْكُمْ مَنْ فِي السَّمَاء»
( The merciful people will be treated with mercy by the Most Merciful (Allah ).
Be merciful to those who are on the earth and He Who is above the heavens will be merciful to you.) In another Hadith he said,
«لَا يَرْحَمُ اللهُ مَنْ لَا يَرْحَمِ النَّاس»
( Allah will not be merciful with whoever is not merciful with the people. ) Abu Dawud recorded from `Abdullah bin `Amr that he narrated ( from the Prophet ),
«مَنْ لَمْ يَرْحَمْ صَغِيرَنَا وَيَعْرِفْ حَقَّ كَبِيرِنَا فَلَيْسَ مِنَّا»
( Whoever does not show mercy to our children, nor does he recognize the right of our elders, then he is not of us. ) Then Allah says,
أُوْلَـئِكَ أَصْحَـبُ الْمَيْمَنَةِ
( They are those on the Right, ) meaning, those who have these characteristics are the companions of the Right Hand.
The Companions of the Left Hand and Their Recompense
Then Allah says,
وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُواْ بِـَايَـتِنَا هُمْ أَصْحَـبُ الْمَشْـَمَةِ
( But those who disbelieved in Our Ayat, they are those on the Left. ) meaning, the companions of the Left Hand.
عَلَيْهِمْ نَارٌ مُّؤْصَدَةُ
( Upon them Fire will Mu'sadah. ) meaning, it will be sealed over them and there will be no way for them to avoid it, nor will they have any way out.
Abu Hurayrah, Ibn `Abbas, `Ikrimah, Sa`id bin Jubayr, Mujahid, Muhammad bin Ka`b Al-Qurazi, `Atiyah Al-`Awfi, Al-Hasan, Qatadah and As-Suddi, all said,
( Mu'sadah. ) "This means shut." Ibn `Abbas said, "Its doors will be closed." Ad-Dahhak said,
( Mu'sadah. ) "It will be sealed over them and it will have no door." Qatadah said,
( Mu'sadah. ) "It will be shut and there will be no light in it, no crevice ( escape ), and no way out of it forever." This is the end of the Tafsir of Surat Al-Balad, and all praise and blessings are due to Allah.
Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs
( Fire will be an awning over them ) the Fire will fall on them’.
Muhammad Taqiud-Din alHilali
The Fire will be shut over them (i.e. they will be enveloped by the Fire without any opening or window or outlet.
We try our best to translate, keeping in mind the Italian saying: "Traduttore, traditore", which means: "Translation is a betrayal of the original text".
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Ayats from Quran in English
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- [Satan] said, "Reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected."
- And dutiful to his parents, and he was not a disobedient tyrant.
- Indeed in that is a sign, but most of them were not to be believers.
- Said [the king to the women], "What was your condition when you sought to seduce
- And when waves come over them like canopies, they supplicate Allah, sincere to Him in
- Then we caused to inherit the Book those We have chosen of Our servants; and
- And inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness,
Quran surahs in English :
Download surah Al Balad with the voice of the most famous Quran reciters :
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Ahmed Al Ajmy
Bandar Balila
Khalid Al Jalil
Saad Al Ghamdi
Saud Al Shuraim
Abdul Basit
Abdul Rashid Sufi
Abdullah Basfar
Abdullah Al Juhani
Fares Abbad
Maher Al Muaiqly
Al Minshawi
Al Hosary
Mishari Al-afasi
Yasser Al Dosari
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