Quran 37:158 Surah Assaaffat ayat 158 Tafsir Ibn Katheer in English

  1. Al-Jalalayn
  2. Ibn Kathir
  3. Maarif Quran
  4. Ibn ‘Abbâs
Surah Assaaffat ayat 158 Tafsir Ibn Kathir - English Translation of the Meanings , Tafheem-ul-Quran by Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi & English - Sahih International : surah Assaaffat aya 158 in arabic text(Those Who Set The Ranks).

﴿وَجَعَلُوا بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَ الْجِنَّةِ نَسَبًا ۚ وَلَقَدْ عَلِمَتِ الْجِنَّةُ إِنَّهُمْ لَمُحْضَرُونَ﴾
[ الصافات: 158]

English - Sahih International

37:158 And they have claimed between Him and the jinn a lineage, but the jinn have already known that they [who made such claims] will be brought to [punishment].

Surah As-Saaffat in Arabic

Tafsir Surah Assaaffat ayat 158

Al-Jalalayn Muntakhab Ibn Kathir
Maududi Maarif Quran tafsir Bangla
تفسير الآية Indonesia tafsir Urdu

Quran 37:158 Tafsir Al-Jalalayn

And they namely the idolaters have set up between Him exalted be He and the jinn namely the angels jinna they are so called because they are hidden ijtinān from vision a kinship by saying that they are God’s daughters while the jinn certainly know that they that is those who say this shall indeed be arraigned into the Fire to be chastised therein.

Almuntakhab Fi Tafsir Alquran Alkarim

And they -the infidels- go further and fare worse; they ascribe to Him affinity to the Jinn when the Jinn themselves do know that they shall be thronged before Him for Judgement

Quran 37:158 Tafsir Ibn Kathir

Refutation of Those Who attribute Children to Allah and say that the Angels are His Daughters Allah denounces those idolators who attribute daughters to Allah -- exalted be He above that -- and attributed to themselves what they desired, i.e., they wanted male offspring to themselves. وَإِذَا بُشِّرَ أَحَدُهُمْ بِالاٍّنْثَى ظَلَّ وَجْهُهُ مُسْوَدًّا وَهُوَ كَظِيمٌ ( And when the news of (the birth of ) a female ( child ) is brought to any of them, his face becomes dark, and he is filled with inward grief!) ( 16:58 ), i.e., that upsets him, and he would only choose sons for himself.
Allah says: `Then how can they attribute to Allah the share that they would not choose for themselves' Allah says: فَاسْتَفْتِهِمْ ( Now ask them ) means, quiz them by way of denunciation, أَلِرَبِّكَ الْبَنَاتُ وَلَهُمُ الْبَنُونَ ( Are there (only ) daughters for your Lord and sons for them) This is like the Ayah: أَلَكُمُ الذَّكَرُ وَلَهُ الاٍّنثَى - تِلْكَ إِذاً قِسْمَةٌ ضِيزَى ( Is it for you the males and for Him the females That indeed is a division most unfair! ) ( 53:21-22 ). أَمْ خَلَقْنَا الْمَلَـئِكَةَ إِنَـثاً وَهُمْ شَـهِدُونَ ( Or did We create the angels female while they were witnesses ) means, how did they decide that the angels are female when they did not witness their creation This is like the Ayah: وَجَعَلُواْ الْمَلَـئِكَةَ الَّذِينَ هُمْ عِبَادُ الرَّحْمَـنِ إِنَـثاً أَشَهِدُواْ خَلْقَهُمْ سَتُكْتَبُ شَهَـدَتُهُمْ وَيُسْـَلُونَ ( And they make the angels females who themselves are servants of the Most Gracious.
Did they witness their creation Their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned! )
( 43:19 ), which means, they will be questioned about that on the Day of Resurrection. أَلاَ إِنَّهُم مِّنْ إِفْكِهِمْ ( Verily, it is of their falsehood ) means, it is a part of the lies they tell. لَيَقُولُونَوَلَدَ اللَّهُ ( that they say: "Allah has begotten." ) meaning, that offspring have been born to Him. وَإِنَّهُمْ لَكَـذِبُونَ ( And verily, they are liars! ) Allah mentions three of the things they said about the angels, which formed the utmost disbelief and falsehood.
They said that they were the daughters of Allah and that Allah had offspring -- exalted and sanctified be He above that.
Then they made these offspring female, then they worshipped them instead of Allah, exalted and sanctified be He -- any of which on its own would be sufficient to condemn them to spend eternity in Hell.
Then Allah says, denouncing them: أَصْطَفَى الْبَنَاتِ عَلَى الْبَنِينَ ( Has He (then ) chosen daughters rather than sons) meaning, what would make Him choose daughters rather than sons This is like the Ayah, أَفَأَصْفَـكُمْ رَبُّكُم بِالْبَنِينَ وَاتَّخَذَ مِنَ الْمَلَـئِكَةِ إِنَاثًا إِنَّكُمْ لَتَقُولُونَ قَوْلاً عَظِيمًا ( Has then your Lord preferred for you sons, and taken for Himself from among the angels daughters Verily, you indeed utter an awful saying. ) ( 17:40 ) Allah says: مَا لَكُمْ كَيْفَ تَحْكُمُونَ ( What is the matter with you How do you decide ) meaning, `what kind of reasoning makes you say that' أَفَلاَ تَذَكَّرُونَ - أَمْ لَكُمْ سُلْطَـنٌ مُّبِينٌ ( Will you not then remember Or is there for you a plain authority ) means, `evidence to prove what you say.' فَأْتُواْ بِكِتَـبِكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ صَـدِقِينَ ( Then bring your Book if you are truthful! ) means, `produce evidence for that derived from a Book revealed from heaven by Allah, to prove that He has taken what you say ( i.e., offspring ).
What you say is totally irrational.' وَجَعَلُواْ بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَ الْجِنَّةِ نَسَباً ( And they have invented a kinship between Him and the Jinn, ) Mujahid said, "The idolators said that the angels were the daughters of Allah.
Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, said, `Then who are their mothers' They said, `The daughters of the leaders of the Jinn."' Qatadah and Ibn Zayd also said this.
Allah -- may He be blessed and exalted -- says: وَلَقَدْ عَلِمَتِ الجِنَّةُ ( but the jinn know ) meaning, those to whom this is attributed إِنَّهُمْ لَمُحْضَرُونَ ( know well that they have indeed to appear (before Him ).) means, that those who say that will be brought forth for punishment on the Day of Reckoning, because of the lies and falsehood that they uttered without knowledge. سُبْحَـنَ اللَّهِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ ( Glorified be Allah! (He is free ) from what they attribute unto Him!) means, exalted, sanctified and glorified be He far above having any offspring and far above what the wrongdoers and heretics attribute to Him. إِلاَّ عِبَادَ اللَّهِ الْمُخْلَصِينَ ( Except the servants of Allah, whom He chooses. ) The pronoun in the verb translated as "they attribute" refers to all of mankind, then He excludes those whom He chooses, who are the ones who follow the truth revealed to every Prophet who was sent. فَإِنَّكُمْ وَمَا تَعْبُدُونَ - مَآ أَنتُمْ عَلَيْهِ بِفَـتِنِينَ - إِلاَّ مَنْ هُوَ صَالِ الْجَحِيمِ - وَمَا مِنَّآ إِلاَّ لَهُ مَقَامٌ مَّعْلُومٌ - وَإِنَّا لَنَحْنُ الصَّآفُّونَ - وَإِنَّا لَنَحْنُ الْمُسَبِّحُونَ - وَإِن كَانُواْ لَيَقُولُونَ - لَوْ أَنَّ عِندَنَا ذِكْراً مِّنَ الاٌّوَّلِينَ

Tafseer Tafheem-ul-Quran Syed Abu-al-A'la Maududi

(37:158) They have established a kinship between Allah and the angels; *89 and the angels know well that these people will be arraigned (as culprits).

And they have claimed between Him and meaning

*89) Though the word used is al jinnah instead of al-mala'ikah, some major commentators have opined that here the word jinn has been used for mala ikah in its literal sense ( of hidden creation ); mala ikah ( angels ) also are, in reality, a hidden creation, and the following theme also demands that al jinnah here be taken in the sense of al-mala'ikah

Tafsir Maarif-ul-Quran Mufti Muhammad Shafi

Refutation of Those Who attribute Children to Allah and say that the Angels are His Daughters Allah denounces those idolators who attribute daughters to Allah -- exalted be He above that -- and attributed to themselves what they desired, i.e., they wanted male offspring to themselves. وَإِذَا بُشِّرَ أَحَدُهُمْ بِالاٍّنْثَى ظَلَّ وَجْهُهُ مُسْوَدًّا وَهُوَ كَظِيمٌ ( And when the news of (the birth of ) a female ( child ) is brought to any of them, his face becomes dark, and he is filled with inward grief!) ( 16:58 ), i.e., that upsets him, and he would only choose sons for himself.
Allah says: `Then how can they attribute to Allah the share that they would not choose for themselves' Allah says: فَاسْتَفْتِهِمْ ( Now ask them ) means, quiz them by way of denunciation, أَلِرَبِّكَ الْبَنَاتُ وَلَهُمُ الْبَنُونَ ( Are there (only ) daughters for your Lord and sons for them) This is like the Ayah: أَلَكُمُ الذَّكَرُ وَلَهُ الاٍّنثَى - تِلْكَ إِذاً قِسْمَةٌ ضِيزَى ( Is it for you the males and for Him the females That indeed is a division most unfair! ) ( 53:21-22 ). أَمْ خَلَقْنَا الْمَلَـئِكَةَ إِنَـثاً وَهُمْ شَـهِدُونَ ( Or did We create the angels female while they were witnesses ) means, how did they decide that the angels are female when they did not witness their creation This is like the Ayah: وَجَعَلُواْ الْمَلَـئِكَةَ الَّذِينَ هُمْ عِبَادُ الرَّحْمَـنِ إِنَـثاً أَشَهِدُواْ خَلْقَهُمْ سَتُكْتَبُ شَهَـدَتُهُمْ وَيُسْـَلُونَ ( And they make the angels females who themselves are servants of the Most Gracious.
Did they witness their creation Their testimony will be recorded, and they will be questioned! )
( 43:19 ), which means, they will be questioned about that on the Day of Resurrection. أَلاَ إِنَّهُم مِّنْ إِفْكِهِمْ ( Verily, it is of their falsehood ) means, it is a part of the lies they tell. لَيَقُولُونَوَلَدَ اللَّهُ ( that they say: "Allah has begotten." ) meaning, that offspring have been born to Him. وَإِنَّهُمْ لَكَـذِبُونَ ( And verily, they are liars! ) Allah mentions three of the things they said about the angels, which formed the utmost disbelief and falsehood.
They said that they were the daughters of Allah and that Allah had offspring -- exalted and sanctified be He above that.
Then they made these offspring female, then they worshipped them instead of Allah, exalted and sanctified be He -- any of which on its own would be sufficient to condemn them to spend eternity in Hell.
Then Allah says, denouncing them: أَصْطَفَى الْبَنَاتِ عَلَى الْبَنِينَ ( Has He (then ) chosen daughters rather than sons) meaning, what would make Him choose daughters rather than sons This is like the Ayah, أَفَأَصْفَـكُمْ رَبُّكُم بِالْبَنِينَ وَاتَّخَذَ مِنَ الْمَلَـئِكَةِ إِنَاثًا إِنَّكُمْ لَتَقُولُونَ قَوْلاً عَظِيمًا ( Has then your Lord preferred for you sons, and taken for Himself from among the angels daughters Verily, you indeed utter an awful saying. ) ( 17:40 ) Allah says: مَا لَكُمْ كَيْفَ تَحْكُمُونَ ( What is the matter with you How do you decide ) meaning, `what kind of reasoning makes you say that' أَفَلاَ تَذَكَّرُونَ - أَمْ لَكُمْ سُلْطَـنٌ مُّبِينٌ ( Will you not then remember Or is there for you a plain authority ) means, `evidence to prove what you say.' فَأْتُواْ بِكِتَـبِكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ صَـدِقِينَ ( Then bring your Book if you are truthful! ) means, `produce evidence for that derived from a Book revealed from heaven by Allah, to prove that He has taken what you say ( i.e., offspring ).
What you say is totally irrational.' وَجَعَلُواْ بَيْنَهُ وَبَيْنَ الْجِنَّةِ نَسَباً ( And they have invented a kinship between Him and the Jinn, ) Mujahid said, "The idolators said that the angels were the daughters of Allah.
Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, said, `Then who are their mothers' They said, `The daughters of the leaders of the Jinn."' Qatadah and Ibn Zayd also said this.
Allah -- may He be blessed and exalted -- says: وَلَقَدْ عَلِمَتِ الجِنَّةُ ( but the jinn know ) meaning, those to whom this is attributed إِنَّهُمْ لَمُحْضَرُونَ ( know well that they have indeed to appear (before Him ).) means, that those who say that will be brought forth for punishment on the Day of Reckoning, because of the lies and falsehood that they uttered without knowledge. سُبْحَـنَ اللَّهِ عَمَّا يَصِفُونَ ( Glorified be Allah! (He is free ) from what they attribute unto Him!) means, exalted, sanctified and glorified be He far above having any offspring and far above what the wrongdoers and heretics attribute to Him. إِلاَّ عِبَادَ اللَّهِ الْمُخْلَصِينَ ( Except the servants of Allah, whom He chooses. ) The pronoun in the verb translated as "they attribute" refers to all of mankind, then He excludes those whom He chooses, who are the ones who follow the truth revealed to every Prophet who was sent. فَإِنَّكُمْ وَمَا تَعْبُدُونَ - مَآ أَنتُمْ عَلَيْهِ بِفَـتِنِينَ - إِلاَّ مَنْ هُوَ صَالِ الْجَحِيمِ - وَمَا مِنَّآ إِلاَّ لَهُ مَقَامٌ مَّعْلُومٌ - وَإِنَّا لَنَحْنُ الصَّآفُّونَ - وَإِنَّا لَنَحْنُ الْمُسَبِّحُونَ - وَإِن كَانُواْ لَيَقُولُونَ - لَوْ أَنَّ عِندَنَا ذِكْراً مِّنَ الاٌّوَّلِينَ

Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs

( And they ) the disbelievers of Mecca, and the Banu Malih specifically ( imagine kinship between him and the jinn ) they claimed that there is a kinship between Allah and the angels when they said that the angels are Allah’s daughters; it is also said that this was revealed about the dualists who claimed that Iblis, may Allah curse him, is Allah’s partner in that Allah created good while Iblis created evil, ( whereas the jinn ) the angels ( know well that they ) i.e. the disbelievers of Mecca: the Banu Malih ( will be brought before (Him )) will be chastised in hell.

Muhammad Taqiud-Din alHilali

And they have invented a kinship between Him and the jinns, but the jinns know well that they have indeed to appear (before Him) (i.e. they will be brought for accounts).

Page 452 English transliteration

⚠️Disclaimer: there's no literal translation to Allah's holy words, but we translate the meaning.
We try our best to translate, keeping in mind the Italian saying: "Traduttore, traditore", which means: "Translation is a betrayal of the original text".

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