سورة هود الآية 70 , English الترجمة الانجليزية الصحيحة.

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الترجمة الإنجليزية المعتمدة لمعاني القرآن الكريم, محمد محسن خان ومحمد تقي الدين الهلالي ، تفهيم القرآن لسيد ابو العلاء المودودي والإنجليزية - صحيح انترناشونال: السورة Hud aya 70 (Hud).
الآية 70 من سورة surah Hud

﴿فَلَمَّا رَأَىٰ أَيْدِيَهُمْ لَا تَصِلُ إِلَيْهِ نَكِرَهُمْ وَأَوْجَسَ مِنْهُمْ خِيفَةً ۚ قَالُوا لَا تَخَفْ إِنَّا أُرْسِلْنَا إِلَىٰ قَوْمِ لُوطٍ﴾
[ هود: 70]

Sahih International - صحيح انترناشونال

But when he saw their hands not reaching for it, he distrusted them and felt from them apprehension. They said, "Fear not. We have been sent to the people of Lot."

Surah Hud Full

عبد الله يوسف علي

But when he saw their hands went not towards the (meal), he felt some mistrust of them, and conceived a fear of them. They said: "Fear not: We have been sent against the people of Lut."

تقي الدين الهلالي

But when he saw their hands went not towards it (the meal), he felt some mistrust of them, and conceived a fear of them. They said: "Fear not, we have been sent against the people of Lout (Lot)."

صفي الرحمن المباركفوري

But when he saw their hands went not towards it (the meal), he mistrusted them, and conceived a fear of them. They said: "Fear not, we have been sent against the people of Lut."

انكليزي - تفهيم القرآن لسيد ابو العلاء المودودي سورة هود

فلما رأى أيديهم لا تصل إليه نكرهم وأوجس منهم خيفة قالوا لا تخف إنا أرسلنا إلى قوم لوط

سورة: هود - آية: ( 70 )  - جزء: ( 12 )  -  صفحة: ( 229 )

(11:70) When he perceived that their hands could not reach it, he mistrusted them, and felt afraid of them. *76 They said: 'Do not be afraid. We have been sent to the people of Lot. *77

Tafseer Abu-al-A'la Maududi

Page 229 English Traditional

*76). Some commentators on the Qur'an are of the view that when the guests hesitated to take food Prophet Abraham (peace be on him) felt suspicious about their intentions. He even became apprehensive that they had come with some hostile design. For, in Arabia when someone declines the food offered to him by way of hospitality, this gives rise to the fear that he has not come as a guest but rather with subversive purposes. The very next verse, however, does not lend any support to this view.
*77). The words as well as the tone of the verse suggest that as soon as Abraham (peace be on him) noticed that his guests were disinclined to eat, he realized that they were angels. Since angels appear in human form only in very exceptional circumstances, what terrified Abraham (peace be on him) was the possibility that the angels may have been sent to inflict punishment on account of any lapses that he himself, his family, or his people may have committed. Had Abraham (peace be on him) not been sure about the identity of his guests - as some Qur'an-commentators believe - they would have said: 'Do not fear, we are angels sent by your Lord.' However, they did not say so. They rather tried to allay Abraham's fears by saying: 'Do not be afraid, we have been sent to the people of Lot.' It is, thus, clear that Abraham had become aware of their true identity. What caused Abraham (peace be on him) to worry was the idea that the angels had been sent to his people, that his people were about to suffer a severe chastisement. However, he was soon to feel relieved that the angels had been sent to the people of Lot rather than to his own. So there was no reason to fear that his own people would soon suffer destruction.

English Türkçe Indonesia
Русский Français فارسی
تفسير Bengali اعراب

listen to Verse 70 from Hud

ترجمة آيات من القرآن الكريم بالانجليزي

  1. ترجمة لكن الرسول والذين آمنوا معه جاهدوا بأموالهم وأنفسهم وأولئك لهم الخيرات وأولئك هم المفلحون. بالانجليزي
  2. ترجمة أولئك الذين هدى الله فبهداهم اقتده قل لا أسألكم عليه أجرا إن هو إلا ذكرى. بالانجليزي
  3. ترجمة الذين يتربصون بكم فإن كان لكم فتح من الله قالوا ألم نكن معكم وإن كان. بالانجليزي
  4. ترجمة وكلوا مما رزقكم الله حلالا طيبا واتقوا الله الذي أنتم به مؤمنون. بالانجليزي
  5. ترجمة تنـزيل الكتاب من الله العزيز الحكيم. بالانجليزي
  6. ترجمة إذ تصعدون ولا تلوون على أحد والرسول يدعوكم في أخراكم فأثابكم غما بغم لكيلا تحزنوا. بالانجليزي
  7. ترجمة كذلك نفعل بالمجرمين. بالانجليزي
  8. ترجمة قالوا نفقد صواع الملك ولمن جاء به حمل بعير وأنا به زعيم. بالانجليزي
  9. ترجمة نحن قدرنا بينكم الموت وما نحن بمسبوقين. بالانجليزي
  10. ترجمة إذ الأغلال في أعناقهم والسلاسل يسحبون. بالانجليزي

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Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

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