سورة الحشر الآية 9 , English الترجمة الانجليزية الصحيحة.

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الترجمة الإنجليزية المعتمدة لمعاني القرآن الكريم, محمد محسن خان ومحمد تقي الدين الهلالي ، تفهيم القرآن لسيد ابو العلاء المودودي والإنجليزية - صحيح انترناشونال: السورة Al Hashr aya 9 (The Mustering).
الآية 9 من سورة surah Al-Hashr

﴿وَالَّذِينَ تَبَوَّءُوا الدَّارَ وَالْإِيمَانَ مِن قَبْلِهِمْ يُحِبُّونَ مَنْ هَاجَرَ إِلَيْهِمْ وَلَا يَجِدُونَ فِي صُدُورِهِمْ حَاجَةً مِّمَّا أُوتُوا وَيُؤْثِرُونَ عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ وَلَوْ كَانَ بِهِمْ خَصَاصَةٌ ۚ وَمَن يُوقَ شُحَّ نَفْسِهِ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ﴾
[ الحشر: 9]

Sahih International - صحيح انترناشونال

And [also for] those who were settled in al-Madinah and [adopted] the faith before them. They love those who emigrated to them and find not any want in their breasts of what the emigrants were given but give [them] preference over themselves, even though they are in privation. And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul - it is those who will be the successful.

Surah Al-Hashr Full

عبد الله يوسف علي

But those who before them, had homes (in Medina) and had adopted the Faith,- show their affection to such as came to them for refuge, and entertain no desire in their hearts for things given to the (latter), but give them preference over themselves, even though poverty was their (own lot). And those saved from the covetousness of their own souls,- they are the ones that achieve prosperity.

تقي الدين الهلالي

And those who, before them, had homes (in Al-Madinah) and had adopted the Faith, love those who emigrate to them, and have no jealousy in their breasts for that which they have been given (from the booty of Bani An-Nadir), and give them (emigrants) preference over themselves, even though they were in need of that. And whosoever is saved from his own covetousness, such are they who will be the successful.

صفي الرحمن المباركفوري

And (it is also for) those who, before them, had homes and had adopted the faith, love those who emigrate to them, and have no jealousy in their breasts for that which they have been given, and give them preference over themselves even though they were in need of that. And whosoever is saved from his own greed, such are they who will be the successful.

انكليزي - تفهيم القرآن لسيد ابو العلاء المودودي سورة الحشر

والذين تبوءوا الدار والإيمان من قبلهم يحبون من هاجر إليهم ولا يجدون في صدورهم حاجة مما أوتوا ويؤثرون على أنفسهم ولو كان بهم خصاصة ومن يوق شح نفسه فأولئك هم المفلحون

سورة: الحشر - آية: ( 9 )  - جزء: ( 28 )  -  صفحة: ( 546 )

(59:9) It also belongs to those who were already settled in this abode (of Hijrah)  *17having come to faith before the (arrival of the) Muhajirun (Emigrants).They love those who have migrated to them and do not covet what has been given them; they even prefer them above themselves though poverty be their own lot. *18 And whosoever are preserved from their own greed, such are the ones that will prosper. *19

Tafseer Abu-al-A'la Maududi

Page 546 English Traditional

*17) This implies the Ansar. In other words, not only arc the Emigrants entitled to fai but those Muslims also are entitled to receive thair share from it, who were already living in the abode of Islam (Madinah).
*18) This is in praise of the Ansar, the Muslims of Madinah. When the Emigrants came from Makkah and other places to their city, they offered their gardens and oases to the Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace) with the request that he distribute them among their emigrant brethren-in-faith. The Holy Prophet said: "These people do not know gardening: they have come from a region where there are no gardens. Could it not be that you (the Ansar) continue to work in the gardens and oases and make the Emigrants partners in the produce? The Ansar submitted: `We have heard and obeyed'." (Bukhari, Ibn Jarir). Thereupon the Emigrants said: "We have never seen any people so self-sacrificing as the Ansar, for they would work and labour and make us partners in the produce. We think they would thus be entitled to all spiritual rewards. The Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace) said: "Nay, as long as you would praise them and pray for their well-being, you also would get your rewards. " (Musnad Ahmad). Then, when the territory of the Bani an-Nadir was taken, the Holy Prophet made this proposal to the Ansar: "Now one way of managing it is that your properties and the gardens and the oases left by the Jews be combined together and then the whole distributed among you and the Emigrants." the second way is that you take back your properties, and the lands vacated by the Jews be distributed among the Emigrants. " The Ansar said: "Sir, you may please distribute these evacuee properties among the Emigrants and may give them of our properties also as you please. " At this Hadrat Abu Bakr cried out: "May Allah reward you, O assembly of the Ansar, with the best of everything!" (Yahya bin Adam. Baladhuri). Thus, with the willing consent of the Ansar the properties left by the Jews were distributed only among the Emigrants, and from among the Ansar only Hadrat Abu Dujanah, Hadrat Sahl bin Hunaif snd (according to some) Hadrat Harith bin as-Simmah were given shares, for they were poor people. (Baladhuri. Ibn Hisham Ruh al-Ma ani. The same self-sacrificing spirit was shown by the Ansar when the territory of Bahrain was annexed to the Islamic State. The Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace) wished that the conquered lands of that territory be given to the Ansar, but they submitted: "We would not take any share from it unless a similar share was given to ow emigrant brothers." (Yahya bin Adam). Allah has praised the Ansar for this-very spirit of self-sacrifice.
*19) The word used here means "are saved" and not "were safe", for without Allah's help and succour no one can attain to the wealth of the heart (liberal-mindedness) by his own power and effort. This is a blessing of God, which one can attain only by God's bounty and grace The word shuhh is used for stinginess and miserliness in Arabic. But when this word is attributed to the self of matt it becomes synonymous with narrow-mindedness, niggardliness, meanspiritedness and small-heartedness, and not mete stinginess: it is rather the root cause of stinginess itself. Because of this very quality man avoids acknowledging even the good qualities of another, not to speak of recognizing his rights and discharging them. He wants that he alone should gather up everything in the world, and no one else should have anything of it. He never feels content with his own right. but usurps the rights of others, or at least wants to have for himself all that is good in the world and should not leave anything for others. On this very basis one's being saved from this evil has been described in the Qur'an as a guarantee for success. The Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace) has counted it among the most evil qualities of man which are the root cause of corruption and mischief. Hadrat Jabir bin `Abdullah has reported that the Holy Prophet said: "Avoid shuhh for it was shuhh which ruined the people before you. It incited them to shed each other's blood and make the sacred and forbidden things of others lawful for themselves. " (Muslim, Musnad Ahmad, Baihaqi, Bukhari in Al-Adab). The tradition of Hadrat 'Abdullah bin 'Umar contains the following words: "It led them to commit wickedness and they committed it; it commanded them to commit sins and they committed sin; it urged them to break off all connections with the kindred and they broke off all connections with them. " (Musnad Ahmad, Abu De ud Nasa i). Hadrat Abu Hurairah has reported that the Holy Prophet said. "Faith and shuhh of the self cannot combine in one and the same heart. " (Ibn Abi Shaibah, Nasa '% Baihaqi in Shu ab al-Iman, Hakim). Hadrat Abu Sa'id Khudri has stated that the Holy Prophet said: "Two of the qualities are such that they cannot combine in a Muslim: stinginess and misbehaviour." (Abu Da'ud. Tirmidhi Bukhari in AI-Adab)- It is as a result of t us very teaching of Islam that, apart from individuals, the Muslim people as a nation are still the most generous and liberal. minded people in the world. There are millions and millions of Muslims living side by side with those non-Muslim people from among whom they sprung who have become proverbial for their narrow-mindedness and miserliness. The clear distinction existing between the two peoples in respect of liberal-mindedness and miserliness cannot be explained in any other way than that it is the moral teaching of Islam that has made the Muslims so large-hearted and liberal-minded.

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listen to Verse 9 from Al Hashr

ترجمة آيات من القرآن الكريم بالانجليزي

  1. ترجمة إن في ذلك لآيات للمتوسمين. بالانجليزي
  2. ترجمة قال موعدكم يوم الزينة وأن يحشر الناس ضحى. بالانجليزي
  3. ترجمة وقال الذين لا يرجون لقاءنا لولا أنـزل علينا الملائكة أو نرى ربنا لقد استكبروا في. بالانجليزي
  4. ترجمة أم خلقوا السموات والأرض بل لا يوقنون. بالانجليزي
  5. ترجمة قل من ذا الذي يعصمكم من الله إن أراد بكم سوءا أو أراد بكم رحمة. بالانجليزي
  6. ترجمة الرجال قوامون على النساء بما فضل الله بعضهم على بعض وبما أنفقوا من أموالهم فالصالحات. بالانجليزي
  7. ترجمة أم حسب الذين اجترحوا السيئات أن نجعلهم كالذين آمنوا وعملوا الصالحات سواء محياهم ومماتهم ساء. بالانجليزي
  8. ترجمة ولئن متم أو قتلتم لإلى الله تحشرون. بالانجليزي
  9. ترجمة وخسف القمر. بالانجليزي
  10. ترجمة وما أرسلنا قبلك إلا رجالا نوحي إليهم فاسألوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون. بالانجليزي

Quran surahs in English

Al-Baqarah Al-'Imran An-Nisa'
Al-Ma'idah Yusuf Ibrahim
Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
Al-Hajj Al-Qasas Al-'Ankabut
As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

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الباحث القرآني | البحث في القرآن الكريم

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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