سورة عبس الآية 10 , English الترجمة الانجليزية الصحيحة.

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الترجمة الإنجليزية المعتمدة لمعاني القرآن الكريم, محمد محسن خان ومحمد تقي الدين الهلالي ، تفهيم القرآن لسيد ابو العلاء المودودي والإنجليزية - صحيح انترناشونال: السورة Abasa aya 10 (He Frowned).
الآية 10 من سورة surah Abasa

﴿فَأَنتَ عَنْهُ تَلَهَّىٰ﴾
[ عبس: 10]

Sahih International - صحيح انترناشونال

From him you are distracted.

Surah Abasa Full

عبد الله يوسف علي

Of him wast thou unmindful.

تقي الدين الهلالي

Of him you are neglectful and divert your attention to another,

صفي الرحمن المباركفوري

Of him you are neglectful and divert your attention to another.

انكليزي - تفهيم القرآن لسيد ابو العلاء المودودي سورة عبس

فأنت عنه تلهى

سورة: عبس - آية: ( 10 )  - جزء: ( 30 )  -  صفحة: ( 585 )

(80:10) you pay no heed to him. *2

Tafseer Abu-al-A'la Maududi

Page 585 English Traditional

*2) This is the real point which the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) had overlooked in the preaching of Islam on that occasion, and for teaching him the same Allah first reproved him on his treatment of Ibn Umm Maktum, and then ' told him what really deserved to occupy his attention as preacher of the Truth and what did not. There is a man whose apparent state clearly shows that he is a seeker after truth: he fears lest he should follow falsehood and invite Allah's wrath; therefore, he comes all the way in search of the knowledge of the true faith. There is another man, whose attitude clearly reflects that he has no desire for the truth; rather on the contrary, he regards himself as self-sufficient, having no desire to be guided to the right way. Between these two kinds of men one should not see whose becoming a Muslim would be of greater use for Islam and whose becoming a believer could not be of any use in its propagation. But one should see as to who was inclined to accept the guidance and reform himself, and who was least interested in this precious bargain. The first kind of man, whether he is blind, lame, crippled. or an indigent mendicant, who might apparently seem incapable of rendering any useful service in the propagation of Islam, is in any case a .valuable man for the preacher to the Truth. To him therefore he should attend, for the real object of this invitation is to reform the people, and the apparent state of the person shows that if he was instructed he would accept guidance. As for the other kind of man, the preacher has no need to pursue him, no matter how influential he is in society. For his attitude and conduct openly proclaim that he has no desire for reform; therefore, any effort made to reform him would be mere waste of time. If he has no desire to reform himself, he may nor the loss would be his, the preacher would not at all be accountable for it.

English Türkçe Indonesia
Русский Français فارسی
تفسير Bengali اعراب

listen to Verse 10 from Abasa

ترجمة آيات من القرآن الكريم بالانجليزي

  1. ترجمة ربكم أعلم بما في نفوسكم إن تكونوا صالحين فإنه كان للأوابين غفورا. بالانجليزي
  2. ترجمة ولئن سألتهم ليقولن إنما كنا نخوض ونلعب قل أبالله وآياته ورسوله كنتم تستهزئون. بالانجليزي
  3. ترجمة بل رفعه الله إليه وكان الله عزيزا حكيما. بالانجليزي
  4. ترجمة ولنبلونكم حتى نعلم المجاهدين منكم والصابرين ونبلوا أخباركم. بالانجليزي
  5. ترجمة الذين يأكلون الربا لا يقومون إلا كما يقوم الذي يتخبطه الشيطان من المس ذلك بأنهم. بالانجليزي
  6. ترجمة يابني إسرائيل اذكروا نعمتي التي أنعمت عليكم وأوفوا بعهدي أوف بعهدكم وإياي فارهبون. بالانجليزي
  7. ترجمة فمن أظلم ممن كذب على الله وكذب بالصدق إذ جاءه أليس في جهنم مثوى للكافرين. بالانجليزي
  8. ترجمة والذين كفروا وكذبوا بآياتنا أولئك أصحاب النار خالدين فيها وبئس المصير. بالانجليزي
  9. ترجمة ولقد كنتم تمنون الموت من قبل أن تلقوه فقد رأيتموه وأنتم تنظرون. بالانجليزي
  10. ترجمة علم الإنسان ما لم يعلم. بالانجليزي

Quran surahs in English

Al-Baqarah Al-'Imran An-Nisa'
Al-Ma'idah Yusuf Ibrahim
Al-Hijr Al-Kahf Maryam
Al-Hajj Al-Qasas Al-'Ankabut
As-Sajdah Ya Sin Ad-Dukhan
Al-Fath Al-Hujurat Qaf
An-Najm Ar-Rahman Al-Waqi'ah
Al-Hashr Al-Mulk Al-Haqqah
Al-Inshiqaq Al-A'la Al-Ghashiyah

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الباحث القرآني | البحث في القرآن الكريم

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